She tries to encourage them to fight for their equality but they're all happy with being out of the business side of things. This scares Lynette so she tries to stop Tom from leaving to Paris with Jane, as she thinks she'll be arrested, so wants someone to look after the kids. Soon evidence piles up against Tom, so Lynette still doesn't believe him. When bringing the family back home, Lynette suggests Tom widen his job net to lessen his stress. When Lynette realizes how horrible her sisters are being, she tells them not to visit for years because she'll hate them for that long. Desperate Housewives - Lynette and Tom get back together.mp4. She helps create an aphrodisiac and sets to mood. He and Jane argue with Jane realizing that Tom still loves Lynette and they break up. She confronts Kayla and she shows no signs of remorse, so she takes her to a therapist. Lynette then feels bad about him having to stay for her, as he thinks that she might be the "one". Lynette is surprised and finds that Tom's unpacked suitcase from the holiday is not in the bedroom, convincing her that Tom had left her. At the wedding, Lynette tries to deter her mother from marrying him, but she gives in when Stella explains she's also lonely. Tom discovers a treasure trove of stolen things in the boys' playhouse, including the clock. To give Tom the experience of what it is like to be her, Lynette gives the kids sugar and snacks beforehand which gives Tom quite a night. Lynette's family is safe, but only because Ida Greenberg died to save them. Lynette lies and says she doesn't know. No One Is Alone. ("Rose's Turn") To solve their problems, Tom suggests having sex every night for a month. Before Lynette attends a street dinner party, Penny reveals to her that Tom had left her a note. When Tom decides to book a luxurious holiday for the family and announces it Lynette is annoyed and consults Tom about why he did not consult her about it first (since she already informed him a few weeks ago that she had already planned a trip). Lynette decides to take on the task of making costumes for the play in order to have the right to comment on the play's new politically correct ending. She and her husband, Dennis Stevens, are invited over to have dinner with the Scavos, and Lynette soon realizes that the Stevens' marriage is on the rocks and that Dennis has no problem saying bad things about his spouse, with the excuse that she can't hear him. Gaby made a commitment. Their plan to have sex fails when they're interrupted by the smell of Lynette's clothes and their four noisy children. However, Bree declines the suggestions. This troubled childhood left Lynette with a constant fear that everything in her life could fall apart suddenly, so she needs to control everything in order to feel safe and secure. When things get out of hand, Lynette tries to stop it and Art's sister goes into cardiac arrest from the stress. ("Like It Was"), Tom tells Lynette he plans on opening a Pizzeria, but Lynette is reluctant because of the costs. However, she immediately realizes that she has run out of pills and thus meets with Jordana Geist, hoping to land a few, but Jordana claims to need everything she has. She later visits Anne at the hospital and offers her a large amount of cash to leave. ("Remember, Part 1") ("Could I Leave You? After the five-year time jump, Tom and Lynette are still running the pizzeria and having trouble with their twin sons, now teenagers. Warren locks the doors, and when Dave Williams sets fire to the club, it causes a panic. ("In a World Where the Kings Are Employers"), Tom and Lynette begin to sell everything in their restaurant as it's closing down. Carolyn shoots Nora for hitting on Tom, so Lynette promises to care for Kayla before Nora dies. During the final course of the dinner, Lynette, Bree and Susan find out that Carlos killed Gaby's stepfather, and they help cover up the murder. However, she loses, so she begs Katherine not to get rid of the tree-house because it's a place for her children to escape from the cancer talk. They are told by the doctor that he was revived soon after and that they'd have to wait for thirty-six hours to see if there was any serious tissue damage. Lynette tries to convince Preston that he's being used, but this just pulls them further apart and the wedding date is made for the next week. On the April. ("Sweetheart, I Have to Confess"), Nora announces she's leaving for Mexico with Kayla, so Lynette suggests fighting for full custody of Kayla to Tom. ("Next"), With Tom now in charge of the house, things start to pile up and Lynette notices lots of dirty dishes needing a wash. ("A Little Night Music"), When Lynette tells Eddie about his mother and the police find Irina's body and question Preston, Eddie becomes scared and decides to move back home. Tom is furious, but it later seems that he still has feelings for Lynette. The Script On the show, Lynette Scavo, whose twins have untreated attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, pops a prescription stimulant to get through a long night of costume making for the. Lynette doesn't want it as she and Tom are together again but wants to prove herself. When they return late, Tom disciplines the twins to prove he cares, pleasing Lynette. ("The Gun Song") Tom becomes angry about Kayla's departure, and after he accidentally causes Bob and Lee to separate, he and Lynette attempt to get them back together. After Parker gets chewing gum stuck in his hair, Lynette has to shave all of his hair off. ("Every Day a Little Death"), Lynette's father-in-law, Rodney Scavo, comes for a visit to see the Scavo family. ("Crime Doesn't Pay") Having a hard time finding a job, Lynette asks if Gaby could get Carlos to help her out. Meanwhile George Williams resurfaces in Bree's life, much to Rex's displeasure.Also, Lynette is shocked to learn that Tom's old girlfriend Annabel Foster who he dumped for Lynette has been hired at his firm again. ("I Guess This is Goodbye"), It's not about the money, the Lynette I knew would never have settled for this! Lynette feels incredibly guilty over what happened, but Tom comforts her by saying that she meant well. Tom later explains the reason for this is because Lynette's poor upbringing left her with a fear that everything can fall apart if she doesn't have control. Lynette signs her part of the divorce papers, officially ending her marriage. As Mary regains strength, she's torn between wanting to save her dignity, and craving the respect of this man who's slipped past her defenses. The wife feels pity on Lynette and the following day, Tom tells Lynette that the boss reconsidered. When Lynette goes to collect Paige, she learns just how much Penny has been helping out with caring for her sister. 5042 Wilshire Blvd, #12566 . Lynette kisses Carlos in front of Gaby to show her how she felt. To thank Lynette for saving her life, Karen presents her with a Tiffany lamp. Sindicato dos trabalhados em educao do terceiro grau do estado da Bahia However, Lynette is also in a meeting when she does this. She goes looking for him and Lynette tries to stop her. ("Down the Block There's a Riot"), After being made to feel guilty by Susan, Renee decides to tell Lynette about a one night stand she had with Tom twenty years ago whilst they were on a break. Friends and Sex and the City ended that year and clearly audiences were, er, desperate for something to fill the hole . In her first trimester, Lynette is depressed about the prospect of having twins so late in life and fears she will not love them. ("Mirror, Mirror"), Lynette returns home one day to find Tom with a police officer. She then admits to Lydia that she doesn't think she can change for Tom, because "she's as good as it gets", but Lydia assures her she can change. "Lynette meets a pregnant woman while waiting for the doctor, and gives her a dose of what being a mom is really like!""Nice is . She goes to a gym class with Renee to spy on the trainer she believes Tom is seeing, but realizes he is actually dating the woman's mother, Jane, leaving Lynette devastated. She does, and Stella becomes rich, so she spoils Lynette and her family. She apologizes for acting like a crazy bitch and promises to control her anger in the future. Tom, jealous and suspicious, demands that Rick leave the business but Rick refuses. However, when a plane crashes on the lane, Lynette risks her own life to save Celia Solis. ("Remember Paul? It originally aired for eight seasons on ABC from October 3, 2004 until May 13, 2012. She suggests firing Claire as its clear hes attracted to her and wont admit it. After a while of being together and becoming pregnant with their first children, Preston and Porter, Tom buys Lynette her dream house on Wisteria Lane . However, they just move to Karen's house. In need of a person to accompany her during chemo, she asks Gaby, but is upset when she says she doesn't want to join her. Marcia Cross, who plays Bree, got pregnant with twins while filming Season 3. ("Finishing the Hat"). Kids do better with stay at home moms. lynette and tom look after her. ("Finishing the Hat"), Lynette and Tom Scavo left the lane four weeks later. When they pay her a large amount of money, hoping it will get rid of Nora, things backfire and she decides to move to Fairview. Lynette would have appreciated the irony if she had stopped to think about it. Meanwhile, Lynette notices Penny and Jane becoming close, so she tells Penny lies to turn her against Jane. Angry, Renee designs it the way Tom wanted as he's in charge and calling the shots. "), Lynette learns from Preston of Porter's plans to leave Fairview with Anne because she's pregnant. ("You're Gonna Love Tomorrow") Lynette feels she and Porter are pulling away from each other, so, with help from Parker, she sets up a secret online account to talk to him. ("Me and My Town"), Porter is arrested, so Lynette and Tom hire Bob as their lawyer. ("Love is in the Air"), Tom becomes angered when the boss at work passes on a promotion which was intended for him but instead went to another co-worker. Despite her early reluctance to have these twins at all, Lynette sobs for her lost baby. They argue about whether to continue going. ("Silly People"), Lynette asks Bree to babysit her children, but she drinks while doing so. Lynette Scavo is a fictional character from the American comedy drama television series Desperate Housewives, which aired on ABC from 2004 to 2012. She dumps her four children on her best friend Bree, who is reluctant to watch over them. Stella reveals she's marrying him for his money, shocking Lynette. She overhears a new client of Lynette and Renee's, and suggests that she ask her daughter for her favorite characters to paint on her wall. Lynette is shown to be insecure in their marriage when Tom complains that she never "talks him up" to her friends. ("No Fits, No Fights, No Feuds") Lynette helps Tom get the liquor licence for the grand opening of Scavo Pizzeria, but when Tom finds out he's upset because he feels she does everything for him. Later, unaware that she's pregnant, Carlos promotes Lynette because the person he was going to give the promotion to was pregnant. "), Lynette is surprised to see that Frank has given Lynette another chance at a date. However, when the receptionist sees Parker's baldness, she mistakenly believes that he has cancer, so she lets Lynette into the session and finds an extra space for her kids in the daycare center. On the way, she recalls the time that Edie helped her during chemotherapy. BANNED. ("How About a Friendly Shrink?") With this knowledge, Lynette blackmails Tammy into allowing Porter and Preston back to the parties they have been uninvited from. She and her mother, Nora Huntington, use the back child support from Tom to move to Fairview so Kayla can get to know her father, stepmother, and half-siblings. [14] Tom and Lynette married in 1997[20] and moved to Wisteria Lane the following year. However, Ed reveals when he got home his wife found out and she forced him to fire the employee responsible. Bree is the only main Housewife not to be pregnant while on the show. ("Don't Look at Me"), To avoid another late night at work, Lynette helps Ed with his marital problems. . Edie's nephew Austin in Season 3, though initially she was dismissive of . ("Come Play Wiz Me") Tom and Lynette hire Austin to work at their pizzeria, but when he's found taking drugs, Lynette fires him. He wasn't wronged as a boss or friend. Lynette is already frazzled when she learns that Porter is the father of Julie Mayer's baby, making Susan and Lynette grandmothers. She causes Lynette many problems and stresses her out with work. As the twins emerge from school, the mother's notice them scratching their heads. The two then pitch to the kids what they think is the best holiday which leads to yet another fight between them; this time however they insult each other. When Lynette arrives at the school, she is told by their teacher that both Porter and Preston painted a little girl blue during art class. She and Parker visit Art's house, but he's not in. After learning about Rick, Stella taunts her daughter, who had once told her mother, a cancer survivor herself, that she'd had cancer as a punishment for cheating on her husband. The issues covered were meaningful and had a real-life touch to them. crcst test prep; crcst free test questions; paid test; crcst exam prep notes; subscribe Tom tells Lynette that he's coming back to work because the doctor said he's fine. She admits to being a total whore in college, and she even had a threesome with two of the men from the rugby team. Lynette is devastated by the news. In the first few seasons of the series, twins Preston and Porter were portrayed by Brent and Shane Kinsman. She enlists the help of people from other neighborhoods, but things soon turn violent at the day of the protest. It's just hard for me to reconcile this suburban housewife with the girl who had a threesome with two of the guys from the rugby team!Renee Perry, Lynette's old college friend, Renee Perry comes to visit the Scavo family. When she realizes Preston knows Porter's location, she asks him to help her find him. Toxic: Lynette Didn't Want A Family Before she got pregnant, Lynette was living her best life as a successful career woman. Throughout the course of Desperate Housewives we've seen a wife put a bullet in her brain, a husband bumped off by a manic medic, and a newlywed frazzled by an electricity pylon. does mike ever remember susan desperate housewives Hakkmzda. He was so in love that he broke up with his girlfriend, Annabel Foster. . After getting rid of the children, Tom and Lynette go upstairs to have sex, and when Lynette asks him to put a condom on, he suggests "risking it". ("And Lots of Security"), Lynette and Tom return from their vacation, and the tension between them continues. In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic, she was now forced to get her fried chicken from a fast food restaurant. Kayla later frames Lynette for burning her and she's arrested. Lynette is against the idea because it could turn out badly, so she convinces him not to go through with it. ("Pilot"), When Lynette takes her children with her for a car journey, her three sons misbehave continuously, even when their mother asks them to stop. Things take a turn for the worst when Carolyn Bigsby takes everyone in the supermarket hostage. Gaby suggests a dark red wig to spice up her sex life, and it works. When he is discovered hiding at his grandmother's nursing home, Porter returns and the charges are dropped. But she couldn't, she didn't have the time.Mary Alice Young, Lynette struggles to take care of her four demanding children, Porter, Preston, Parker and Penny on her own while her husband, Tom, is away for business. ("Everything's Different, Nothing's Changed") Although enjoying the money she's getting from Tom's new job, she's upset that she isn't seeing him as much. After the death of their father, their mother Stella married Glen Wingfield. Gabrielle's concerned she might be pregnant. [7], During college at Northwestern University,[16] around 1990,[17] Lynette met Renee Perry and two of them become loyal friends. ("If There's Anything I Can't Stand"), When Katherine runs to be President of the Homeowners' Association, she threatens to change lots of features on Wisteria Lane. ("Bang"), After being shot at the supermarket, Parker becomes protective over his mother. Awardwinning actress Huffman begins the fourth season of the hit show, which began last week, bald from the effects of chemotherapy. Lynette tries to hide, but Nora finds her and they argue. Annabel Foster picks Tom up from work one morning, Lynette realizes how beautiful she is and assumes Tom sees her as the "fantasy woman". She does not tell Carlos, although Lynette thought she would, so reveals her secret to him without knowledge. She calls herself weak and a bad mother, but Bree and Susan assure her she isnt. Lynette gave up her career to assume a new label: the incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother.Mary Alice Young. Lynette is on board at first, as she thinks it would cause them to break up, but when Preston tells her he wants to drop out of college, she's horrified. Because of an injury, the nine-months pregnant Lynette carrying twins begets one from the pair . After Katherine is nearly arrested for murder, Lynette helps her friends explain to the police that it was in self-defense. ("My Heart Belongs to Daddy"), When Lynette notices her boss is feeling stressed, she takes her out for a drink. ("That's Good, That's Bad") Due to longer hours at work, Lynette sees a lot less of her children, so she suggests setting up a company daycare center. Desperate Housewives - Lynette and Tom reconciliation last episode 8x22. When asked why shes not around at home so much by Kayla, she tells her theres a lot of work, but she doesn't believe her. ("The Sun Won't Set"), When Lynette catches Nina and Stu having sex at work, Nina offers her anything in order for her to keep it secret from her boss, Ed. ("Truly Content"), After leaving Penny to look after Paige while she goes for a run, Penny takes Paige to school with her so she doesn't miss a big test. Lynette and Tom notice, but go along with the plan to protect their business. When Bree is acquitted, a party is thrown to celebrate. When Parker goes missing, she searches Art's house and finds that all the toys and pictures are missing; he tells her he donated the toys to a hospital.