[47] At the time of their exit from Creek town, the reigning monarch of Creek town was their half brother Oku Atai Atai Ema Atai. According to Historians, this technique of indigo-dyeing was developed in the Dogon kingdom in Mali (West Africa) dating back to the 11th century. [45] What is most certain is that the Efik arrived Creek Town led by Edidem Eyo Ema Atai together with Oku Atai Atai Ema Atai, Ukpong Atai Atai Ema Atai, Adim Atai Atai Ema Atai, Efiom Ekpo Efiom Ekpo and several others. As Sidney Kasfir has pointed to (in reference to the Ekpe society in southeastern Nigeria and adjoining Cameroon), material, performative, and ritual structures in masking are not fused together but can be used to different ends and can travel different paths ( Kasfir 2019: 15). [69] The society is divided into five main grades such as Nkanda, Oku akama, Nyamkpe, Okpoho and Ebonko. The Ekpe is a secret society that lives mostly in Nigeria and whose members are typically law enforcers and politicians. LEFT Mgballa Ekpe lodge with Ekpe members, Arochukwu, southeastern Nigeria. According to Asuquo, Asibong Eso of Obutong was Old King Robin; Ekpenyong Efa of Adiabo was King John; Ani Eniang Nkot of Mbiabo Ikoneto was Robin King Agbisherea; Oku Ukpong Eton Ani of Mbiabo Ikot Offiong was William King Agbisherea; while Ukorebi Neneng Esien Ndem Ndem of Obomitiat Ikoneto was King Ebrero[55]. Define monsoon, Sanskrit, raja, caste system, caste, Hinduism, reincarnation, karma, dharma, yoga, Buddhism, ascetic, nirvana. For the first time in history, Ekpe had a presentation at the highest institution of cultural anthropology in the world, the Smithsonian Museum. Within Nigeria, the Efik can be found in the present-day Cross River State and Akwa Ibom state. In his well researched thesis titled "Ekpe Imperium in South Eastern Nigeria", Anwana (2002) identified a plenitude of evidences to validate the Ejagham/Ekoi origins of the Ekpe society. [33][35] The Efik came to her defence and the dispute escalataed[34] Legend has it that this was the last straw that led to the Uruan-Efik war (known in Efik as Ek Abasi-Anwan) which led to the exit of the Efik from the Uruan country. Osirica brotherhood is the root of all the mason societies, dating back around 2300 B.C. [61] One of such letters written by King Eyamba V and the chiefs of Old Calabar states: Now we settle treaty for not sell slave, I must tell you something, I want your Queen to do for we. At Ughoton, to the southwest of Benin, a different type of mask is used, in the cult. Wake Keeping, Viewing and service in Dallas, Texas. Due to the rise of Calabar as a commercial centre since the 18th century, Efik settlements experienced a high rate of inward migration consisting of Sierra Leoneans, Lebanese, Cameroonians, Jamaicans and several other communities. The economics of the society is based on paying tribute to the village ancestors. A reconsideration of kp and Abaku suggests an agenda for the study of kp in diaspora from a different perspective. [10] The original seven clans are scattered between Cross River state and Akwa Ibom state and consist of Iboku (Duke town, Henshaw town, Creek town and Cobham town), Obutong, Adiabo, Mbiabo (Mbiabo Edere, Mbiabo Ikot Offiong, Mbiabo Ikoneto), Enwang, Usukakpa and Abayen. The process of creating this richly symbolic cloth is laborious. Omissions? Ekpe means leopard, not lion. Members are bound by oath of secrecy, and fees on entrance are payable. [37] When many of the Efik had left for Ndodoghi, a series of unfortunate events occurred. The Ogboni is a fraternity indigenous to Nigeria, Benin and Togo. . He views the Cuban initiation system known as Abaku, which was based on kp society, as a collective way for African descendants to maintain their historical memory. [45] internal dissensions and population expansion led to the movement of several families from Creek Town to Obutong, Atakpa, Nsidung and Ekoretonko. The Ekale and their famous shaking shoulders performing at the "Under the Volcano Festival", Limbe Cameroon. [6][7], The name Efik first appears in historical literature in the nineteenth century. by Web Services Editor. English language is spoken in the South-Western part of Cameroon. As a child, Sunjata at first looks unpromising because: In one of the most dramatic episodes in the Sunjata Epic, Sunjata first begins to demonstrate his extraordinary abilities when he: avenges an insult to his mother by uprooting a tree and placing it in front of her house. identity. While their political authority is largely diminished today, Ekpe membership is still prestigious and the society continues to be a unifying force among the Ejagham, Igbo, Efik, Ibibio, and other cultural groups in the Cross River region. A delegation of kp 'leopard' society initiates, as well as family members, traveled from Mamfe, Manyu Division of southwest Cameroon, to Yaound, the Cameroon capital to honor and reclaim the body of their leader and father, who had recently transited to the ancestors. The Ekpe Society is a religious and cultural institution among the Efik people, it can also be found among the Annang and the Ibibios. The Leopard Society was allegedly a cannibalistic society in the early-to-mid 2oth century in Sierra Leone, Libera and Cte dIvoire. The persistence oftheAbakua society contradicts the official construction ofa Cuban national identity. Probably about 8000 BC one group reached Nigeria by an overland route and settled at Ibom (Arochuku) there they erected the famous shrine now known as the Long Juju of Arochuku. Nsibidi is a body of ideographic, abstract, and gestural signs deployed by the Ekpe society as a form of coded communication. Historians recognize the advent and rapid rise of Ekpe as a direct result of a need for a new and effective mechanism of sociopolitical control in the complex economic environment created by the Atlantic slave trade. [47] On the founding of Obutong, Colonial anthropologist M.D.W. Modern Efik society is a melting pot of people of diverse origin. clothing stores in columbia mall These they handcuffed, brought down to the canoes, and so proceeded up the river, till they got to the amount of 45, with whom they returned to New town, where sending to the captains of the shipping, they divided them among the ships.[56]. Hope Waddell, Samuel Edgerley and four others. society to its Caribbean incarnation, which has deeply influenced Cuba's creative energy and popular consciousness. [33] Abasi's husband insisted that the problem should be resolved by the chiefs. [70] Several meals were composed of yam such as Usu abia, Iwk abia, Afia abia, sb abia, Edifrai abia and fp abia. It is not just because of its spiritual or cultic functions but for the fact that the institution was a pre-colonial police judiciary system (Bassey, 1998). The three most popular theories include an Igbo origin, Ibibio origin and Palestinian origin. Although Behrendt and Graham reveal that Calabar had been a major trading port since the first half of the seventeenth century, Efik historians such as Aye assert that the Efik had been trading with the Europeans since the last quarter of the 15th century. The Freemasonry's affiliation to the Imhotep is clearly evident and this is probably why they are accused of several conspiracy theories, since their objective is geared towards the restructuring and controlling of global affairs. The doomsday cult is a sinister transnational cult that has paved its way from the west and Asian world into some African countries including Uganda and South Africa. Objects and images in the exhibition courtesy of Dr. Eli Bentor. [8] The bulk of the Efik can be found in Calabar. 16, 2014 3 likes 6,498 views Download Now Download to read offline Education Spiritual Technology A short description of the ancient Ekpe Masquerade and its cultural and spiritual significance, in the life of the people of the Cross River basin. ekpe society cameroon. [45] Eyo Ema's people occupied Otung in the south of Creek Town, Adim Atai and Ukpong Atai occupied the east and Efiom Ekpo's family occupied the Adakuko in the west. The Ekpo/Ekpe society is a significant part of the Ibibio political system. a Mande tradition based on orally transmitted history. This material is believed to have been imported by the Portuguese (Oboriki). One of the most important castes in this society is the jeli caste. The indigenous drums of the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon are distinctive for their "wedge and ring" method of tightening the skin. [13] Throughout the centuries, Efik traders traded with the Portuguese, Dutch, English and French. In its vastness, the Ekpe is a well structured society with semi-caste characteristics, in that, there are categories and titles which one may qualify to be initiated into, while others are strictly reserved for persons of certain status and backgrounds. Their king on the eastern Calabar coast was known as Ating Anua Efiom. As the slave trade was declining due to the strong global campaign against it, the effects on slave trading ports along the African coast was greatly experienced. a king whose attempts to have a special son lead him to make bargains with one Islamic missionary and two noble travelers. I hope Queen Victoria and young prince will live long time and we get good friend. "[18] References to the Igbo origin of the Efik were also made at the Hart's enquiry into the Obongship dispute where Etubom Efiom Obo Effanga asserted that the term "Iboku" meant quarrelsome Igbos. Essentially the leopard is a sign of royalty all over Central West Africa and the Calabar zone, and it's a symbol of their political autonomy. The origins of these symbols date way before colonization, but, from my understanding, the use of these symbols died out as the influence of Ekpe secret society lessened. [53] Aphrom was a corruption of Ephraim which was an anglicised form of the Efik name Efiom. The traditional attire for men usually consists of a white long-sleeved shirt, a long broad soft neckerchief or scarf of costly material (Efik: kpmkpm) and a wrapper tied around the waist (Efik: Usobo).[83]. Sunjata's victory against Sumaworo comes in part because: Sumaworo loses the support of his nephew, Fakoli. The Ekpe society is estimated by most foreign scholars to have been introduced into Old Calabar in the 18th century. This theory asserts that the Efik migrated from Palestine or somewhere close to Palestine. Alcoholic content may be increased via adding the red bark of Edat (Sacoglottis gabonensis) to the wine. After the tapping process, the wine is left to ferment for five hours. "[35] Simmons assertion which was made in his 1958 dissertation is similarly reiterated at the Hart's enquiry in 1964 by chiefs such as Chief Efiom Obo Effanga of Obutong. Oral tradition holds that a type of clothing known as "Itu ita" was the earliest fabric imported into Old Calabar. Among these secret societies were Ekpe, Obon and Nsibidi. [38] It is believed that it was at Ndodoghi that many of the Abayen clan had died from crocodile attacks. But, Ekpe in the course of the colonial period underwent a wide range of fundamental changes in their structure, roles, status . One theory states that the Efik and Uruan had separate religious customs and the Efik refused to worship the Uruan deity Atakpor Uruan Inyang. The instruments above are particularly important to our study of the Sunjata because: they are the traditional instruments of the jeliw who tell the story in public performance. [26] At Uruan, they were ruled by a number of priest-kings Ndidem. Origin Nsibidi symbols which are indigenous to Igbo, Ibibio, Efik, Annang and Ekoi/Ejagham members of the Ekpe society. The nsibidi may convey meaning either singularly or in groups, and each sign may be figurative, geometric, or abstract, or may represent a physical object, concept, or narrative. [11] The last three clans had greatly dwindled in number and many of their members are believed to have been miscegenated into other Efik clans. Ekpe could take life and could give it; it could condemn a whole town to a heavy fine and was promptly paid; it could punish offenders and could forgive; even kings and Obongs could never escape Ekpe laws and edicts.[69]. Proponents of this theory range from missionaries, explorers, colonial anthropologists and later historians. [15] This theory appears to be isolated as other Ibibio writers do not narrate that such terms were used by the Ibibio. Ema Atai Ema Atai, Edidem, Biop sai." The Efik people speak the Efik language, which is a BenueCongo language of the Cross River family. Ekpe masquerade mimic the form of a lion or leopard moves. The society combines a kind of freemasonry with political and law enforcing aims. Photo by Eli Bentor. [48] Jeffreys theory is unpopular with a large majority of the Efik. The destruction of Obutong occurred in 1854. According to Simmons, "Most Informants maintain that the first people to Inhabit Creek Town were Efut fishermen from the southern Cameroons. Infact; there can be no-gainsay of the USAK-EDET People (ISANGELE) being the originators of this highly acclaimed Ekpe Society that the EFIKS, led by EFFA EFFIWAT later on used in subduing their subjects of EFUTS, (i.e. LEFT Omabe Eze sewing an ukara, Ezillo, southeastern Nigeria. According to him . The Efik in Nigeria have Nkanda as the basic Ekpe whereas, in Cameroon we have Ekpe as the starting point in Ekpe. [32] Another theory states that there was a disagreement between an Efik woman known as Abasi and an Uruan woman. [52] On the death of Chief Willy Tom Robins, a number of rituals were performed. [73] The Efik native cow (English: Ena Efk) was regarded with some amount of reverence and was mainly killed on rare occasions such as the festival for the installation of a new priest king. These Ngolo created the Ekpe society and invented the Nsibidi writing system in Usakadet (Isangele). [62][63] The first missionaries arrived in 1846. Updates? Jeffreys states that a disruption among the Okobo around the town of Ekeya in the Eket district led to the founding of Obutong. I am manyang Mathilda Nkwo of Akiriba village , upperbanyang and I am and still is oneof the oldest living practing manyangero in Manyu. [51] When the twins were older, they left for the opposite end of the island to Duke town. The presentation, by Ekpe members from Cameroon, Nigeria and Cuba was arranged by Chief Dr. Ivor Miller and coordinated by Sessekous Ojong-Orock, Joseph Mbu and Mbe Tazi. The cloth is made of plain cotton but transformed into a ritual object when nsibidi symbols are inscribed onto it through indigo dyeing. Members of the Ekpe society are said to act as messengers of the ancestors (ikan). quickly adapted to fulfil other economic and civil functions. One theory propounded by Okon and Nkpanam Ekereke asserts that the term "Efuk" was a word of defiance and an expression used by the Ibibio man when in a fit of rage. The Ekpe society most likely originated among the Efik people of southern Nigeria and from there spread across other tribes and language groups in Southern Nigeria. Free masons were originally an ancient Egyptian fraternity of builders, with Imhotep, as their founder and chief sculptor. Due to the volume of cultural exchange, many other ethnic groups have often been regarded as being one with the Efik such as Kiong and Efut. [52] The missionaries respected the native law but the European Captains acted rashly and desired that an example be set on Obutong. Our newsletter gives you access to a curated selection of the most important stories daily. [36] According to Aye, "Ikpa Ene could not carry the bulk of Iboku population, Ndodoghi had to accommodate what spilt over, and the two settlements, still under one rule, were separated by the left branch of the river which became their "inland sea". In the culture we have discussed, the term dalilu refers to: an individual's personal power, knowledge, or ability, inborn but enhanced and developed through training and experience. [27] A number of reasons have been given on why the Efik left Uruan. While some explorers describe the Efik as travellers who past through the Ibibio country, others assert that the Efik are of Ibibio stock. Names such as Okon became Hogan, Orok became Duke, Akabom became Cobham, Ene became Henry, Asibong became Archibong. [77] The fibre of the leaf-stalk of a palm was made into a thread and woven to make clothes and bags. Hugh, Goldie. This is: After his "second birth", Waiyaki is brought to a sacred grove where: After the episode in the sacred grove, Waiyaki disappears from his home to: The two daughters of Joshua, Nyambura and Muthoni, have both been forbidden by their father to: Waiyaki tries to heal the conflict between the two ridges by: Waiyaki fails to achieve his goals because: The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. The Efik also manufacture a number of beverages such as Mmn Efik (Palm wine), Uffp (Native gin), Lemon grass tea (Nnyannyaa), Mmn Eyop (Eyop wine). National Museum of African American History and Culture. [47] Antia Ekot Otong is regarded as one of the descendants of the patriarch Otong Ama Ide. Resume: La communaure cubaine Abakua-descendantedes communautes :EB:k Ekpe et Ejagham ~gbedu Sud Est du Nigeria etdu Sud Ouest du Cameroun-a ete fondee ala Havane dans les annees 1830 par des leaders captures des villages de Cross River. [37] A captured invader confessed that they were set to retrieve royal emblems which they believed the Efik had taken with them when they left Uruan. Another account from the Qua claimed that Ekpe (Mgbe) migrated from Cameroon. Ekpe Efik was used as a government instrument in Bakassi in exercising authority for more than 200 years ago (E.O.Efiong-Fuller, 1996). In modern-day Efik society, nyny is worn on various occasions such as weddings and traditional events. Sunjata's half-brother, Dankaran Touman, enrages Sunjata and nearly causes civil war by: murdering an innocent young man, thinking he is Sunjata. [38] The Efik bard Adiaha Etim Anua recites in her 1910 ballad that "Mkpana Ndodoghi Edik. Another account claimed that Efik people introduced the Ekpe between 1720 and 1729 during the initial migration of Calabar. kp had four major roles in pre-colonial life. These missionaries together with King Eyo Honesty II brought several changes to Old Calabar society. A list of some of Africa's most prominent cults and secret societies of all time. Write the meaning in the blank. Bell of King Eyo Honesty II at Creek Town, Ekeng ita (also known as James Henshaw), Obong of Henshaw Town (c.a 1875). two young foreign men to whom she gives the power to defeat her. [5] Her behavior at the board meeting was obsequious\mathit{obsequious}obsequious; for example, she actually offered to wash the company president's car! expectations of the members to prioritize the group over their own families. [9] The Efik have also been referred to as "Calabar people" in historical literature. Oral tradition has it that the Efik arrived Uruan in four groups i.e. [19], The Ibibio origin of the Efik is one of the most popular among scholars. Body art plays a major role in Ibibio art. During the colonial era, The Efik language was the only language taught in schools in many parts of the present-day Cross River and Akwa Ibom state. Imhotep was a revered personality as he was believed to be with super powers of healing and influencing people and affairs of the community. [39] At Ndodoghi, the Efik priest-king Ema Atai Ema Atai died and was succeeded by his son Eyo Ema Atai Ema Atai Iboku. It described the religion, social, economic and political structures of the society as progressive and dynamic. . [53] It was common for Efik traders to take up trading names during the period of the transatlantic slave trade. http://Ekpesociety.blogspot.com; www.ekpe.org; http://Ekpesocietyusa.blogspot.com; http://ndiboyevengo.blogspot.com, Ekpe Society 1st Conclave from Sept 16 to 17 2009, Ekpe DC Sessekou relaxing during the conclave, Ekpe Society members with Justice Hilman Egbe at a MECA DC meeting, Ekpe Chief Maurice Enoh's funeral in Dallas on January 27th and 28th 2012, Maurice Enoh: The 1st Manyu Ekpe USA Sessekou to die in USA, Maurice Enoh returning from his crowning ceremony as Ekpe Chief in Kepelle Village, Ekpe-USA received at the Smithsonian Museum. There is not even one single manyangero mentioned on all the write up on any of the ekpe/mgbe stories. In the culture we have discussed, the term fadenya refers to: the relationship between father and child, and half siblings - requiring self-assertion, independence, innovation, and competition. Additional Touches Here is a list of some of Africa's most prominent cults of all time: The Ekpe is a secret society that lives mostly in Nigeria and whose members are typically law enforcers and politicians. Cameroon with the Ekpe cult. Ekpe is a mysterious spirit who is supposed to live in the jungle and to preside at the ceremonies of the society. The Ekpe-men are ranked in seven or nine grades, for promotion to each of which fresh initiation ceremonies, fees and oaths are necessary.[1]. Another theory which is narrated by Forde and Jones states that the name "Efik" translates to "Tyrants" or "He who oppresses" and was the name of which the Efik called themselves after they had settled at Creek town.[12]. The island is believed to be named after a fisherman from Mbiabo known as Ene Ankot. Laws were passed to halt several practices regarded as unchristian. the Ekpe society. "[21] Jeffreys assertion regarding Eburutu being a single Ibibio clan is proven false by earlier definitions of Eburutu by Rev. of Bamum, of Cameroon in his kingly attire seated on the throne with his chiefs flanked round him (Plate 2). Meat and fish are the major sources of protein in Efik cuisines. [61] These papers were signed by the reigning monarchs of Creek town and Duke town who were Eyo Honesty II and Eyamba V.[61] King Eyamba and King Eyo had written letters to the British requesting that they bring in teachers to teach them trade and commerce and missionaries to aid them to know more about God. [19] Oku attests that it was the attack on the Efik that made them decide to leave Ikpa Ene as they realised they were still too close to their enemies. Ndibo Yevengo- Abakua & Ekpe events; Cuba-Calabar Radio . jamba juice turmeric smoothie recipe; sainsbury's locksbottom parking charges; ekpe society cameroon; June 11, 2022; small mortuary obituaries mobile, alabama . . ekpe society cameroonworld market toblerone. The year 1841 marked the official signing of papers by Efik kings to stop the exportation of slaves from Old Calabar. At its peak, it permeated the social, economic and political life of the Efiks but lately its dominance has been eroded as urbanization and modern political administration expanded. On behalf of Ekpe-USA Leadership, I hereby remind every member of Ngbe who has taken the aoth that our fathers and great grand fathers took to uphold those sacred traditions and beliefs, to immediately start preparations to do what they must do to send our brother to join our ancestors. The economics of the society is based on paying tribute to the village ancestors. Nair dates the arrival of the Efik towards the end of the seventeenth century or the beginning of the eighteenth century. The Efik language was also spoken in several communities in Western Cameroon. Efik traders played a major role during the era of the Transatlantic slave trade. Iboku, Enwang, Usukakpa and Abayen. There are said to be at least three mass migration from Ndodoghi. These drums are a regional phenomenon; they are not identified with any particular ethnic community, nor with any specific cultural group or initiation club. [1] Ekpe members always wear masks when performing their police duties, and although individuals may nonetheless be recognized, fear of retribution from the ikan stops people from accusing those members who may overstep their limits. Goldie describes Eburutu as a country that consists of various ethnic groups. Aye in 2000 does not mention the Efut as being the primary occupants. After World War II, a movement called the _____ Movement was founded by such writers as Leopold Sedar Senghor and Leon Damas, to support using Western literary forms, while writing in African languages. The Ekpe Society or Mgbe society as it is also fondly called is very reputable and covers a wider range of ethnic groups such as: the Efut; the Efik; the Qua-Ejegham, and the Okonko ( the Igbo-speaking areas). Some other clothings introduced into the market include smit, brutanya, isadh and nkisi. All Ekpe members are hereby reminded that under Ekpe custom, we do not leave the lifeless body of our warriors in the battle field, and we certainly do not leave the remains of an Ekpe chief unguarded. The masquerade tradition itself is most popular in Calabar and the Oron nation of Udung-Ukko, Mbo, Urue-Offong Oruko, Okobo, as well as the Eket and Uruan local government areas in Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria, and even western Cameroon. (1985). 4. In Cuba, the Ekoi are always evoked as early founders of the Abaku society,18 and their spirits are worshiped. Due to the Obutong massacre of 1765 and several other incidents, the Ekpe society of Old Calabar was transformed into the Abaku cult in Cuba, the Bonk cult in Bioko and the Abakuya dance in mainland Equatorial Guinea. Aye provides the following names among these priest-kings including Ema Atai Iboku, Ekpe Atai Iboku, Ukpong Atai Iboku. Some of the musical instruments that are important in the culture we have discussed are: the bala (balaphon), a kind of xylophone, and the kora, a gourd harp. Thanks for signing up for our daily insight on the African economy. Mr. . In Ekpe, he is a product of a dynasty of more than five Generations of Ekpe Sisikus, also known as Nfor Ngbe or Ekpe Chiefs. [81] The article was a not-so-deep exploration of indigenous African writing systems and languages. [59] According to Rev. It is a male-only society, and members are bound by secrecy. The practice and display of Ekpe masquerade have been modified. [67] As of 1877, Alexander Ross reported that thirteen towns in the Cameroon region speak Efik and had an aggregate population of about 22,000. After the decline of the slave trade, the Efik transitioned into the business of exporting palm oil from the Cross river. Children of Efik maternal descent are still regarded as Efik and have contributed to the development of the Efik society. The Efik (Calabar) caste structure of Ekpe . [37] The Uruan invasion at Ikpa Ene is believed to be the origin of the Efik saying, "Ama okut Ibibio, ku n enye ika, Idem amasat Ibibio eyewot owo"(English: When you see Ibibio do not give him fire(to warm himself), when he is dry he will kill you). [68] The society is believed to have been introduced in Calabar from Usahadet. And there are definitely more than 10 Ekpe members still around today. History The Ekoi people, while all speaking the same language, have not tended to live in complete unison.