The "owner" is the person who purchases the contract and has all of the rights such as naming the beneficiary and surrendering the annuity. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to All of the following would be considered rebating except, Which of the following types of insurance policies is most commonly used in credit life insurance, In order to reinstate a life insurance policy the insured must do all of the following except. all of the following would be considered rebating except. Describe the relationship between potential difference and electrical potential energy. Which of the following is an example of a producer being involved in an unfair trade practice of rebating? Brokers and financial advisors are prohibited from accepting rebates since they may create conflicts of interest. How long must an insurer keep a copy of an authorized form in its records? The Insurance Department regulations are to protect the insurance-buying public. What is the primary purpose of a 401(k) plan? It is never legal to limit coverage based on marital status. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. What type of annuity is it? SUGGESTIONS FOR PREPARING SPEAKING NOTES While several of these reminders might strike you as obvious, speakers often ignore them when preparing to speak. All of the following would be considered rebating except: sharing commissions with other licensed and appointed agents. A Stocks, securities, or bonds. What best describes what will happen? Which of the following best describes the act? In decreasing policies, while the face amount decreases, the premium remains constant throughout the life of the contracts. 60 days. B$1,000 If $100,000 of life insurance proceeds were used in a settlement option, which paid $13,000 per year for ten years, which of the following would be taxable annually? All of the following could be considered rebates if offered to an insured in the sale of insurance EXCEPT A Stocks, securities, or bonds. What is true of the cash surrender nonforfeiture option? What are the three basic types of term coverage available, based on how the face amount (death benefit) changes during the policy term: Best description of what an annuity period is: Policy which allows the partial withdrawal, or surrender, of the policy cash value. 0. The full premium was submitted with the application for life insurance, and the policy was issued two weeks later as requested. What usually includes information about premium amounts, cash values, surrender values, and death benefits for specific policy years? What best describes this practice? C Two letters of recommendation attesting to trustworthiness, reliability, and good reputation standard form contract facebook; how to treat mange in cats at home twitter; moon drop grapes uk instagram; arrow olivia sewing table youtube; custom teku glassware mail B An offer to share in commissions generated by the sale. All of the following actions are considered rebating except sharing commissions with other licensed and appointed agents An insurer, in general business practice, fails to promptly provide a reasonable explanation for the denial of a claim. What is the term for how frequently a policyowner is required to pay the policy premium? D Imprisonment. In this situation, a licensee would have to apply for a resident's license within 90 days. Answer-All of the following are considered key logistic functions in In the best interests of the client, rebates are allowed. Requires the entire premium to be paid in one limp sum at the policy's inception. C Rebating. The insured applies this year's $300 worth of accumulated dividends to the next year's' premium, thus reducing it to $900. This is a personal use of life insurance known as. An agent offers his client free tickets to a sporting event in exchange for the purchase of an insurance policy. Each agent must pay a $5 appointment fee to the Commissioner. All of the following actions are considered rebating except 10 czerwca 2022 . What protects the insured from an unintentional policy lapse due to a nonpayment of premium? An out-of-state producer wants to start selling insurance in this state. How much energy is needed to move one electron through a potential difference of 1.0 102 volts, Includes procedures and techniques that are designed to protect a computer from intentional theft. Which of the following has not been taken to court for further interpretation? What option could the insured utilize? Only any excess of value is taxable as income. Will result in having to pay the highest premium due to health, history, habits, etc. Which of the following acts would not get an insurance producer terminated "for cause"? If you insurance company makes a statement that it's policies are guaranteed by the existence of the Insurance Guaranty Association, that would be considered? Cash surrender, extended term, reduced paid-up. C Policyowner rights and disclosures. A Unfair claims If an applicant has been licensed in the past 12 months, the Commissioner may waive education and examination requirements. In this case, what will the policy beneficiary receive? Forcing a client to buy insurance from a particular lender as a condition of granting a loan is defined as. This annuity plan is What is true regarding taxation of accelerated benefits under a life insurance policy? A temporary producer license could be issued without examination to all the following EXCEPT? In which instance would the premium be tax deductible? Log in for more information. B Materially misrepresents an insurance policy. C Dividends from a mutual insurer. Licensed counselors may perform the following duties: audit or abstract insurance policies or annuities; provide advice, counsel, or opinions concerning benefits, coverage, terms, and advantages and disadvantages of a policy or annuity; and advertise and solicit business as an insurance counselor or consultant. Rebates are allowed if it's in the best interest of the client. All of the following would be considered to be rebating EXCEPT A) An agent offers to share his commission with a policyholder B) An agent offers tickets to a baseball game as an inducement to buy insurance C) An agent uses misrepresentation to convince a person to cancel an existing policy and take a new policy from him What option for Universal Life allows the beneficiary to collect both the death benefit and cash value upon the death of the insured? unit 3: personal and business finance grade boundaries. Within what time period after completing prelicensing education must an applicant file a certificate of education completion with the Commissioner? All of the following would be considered rebating except The company is guilty of must ensure a pair that's benefit claim after receiving the product of death? What type of insurance policy may be used to fund this agreement? What term best describes this arrangement? Horse racing is one of the oldest and most popular racing sports in the world, but how long is a horse race? When an insurance agency published an advertising brochure, it emphasized the company's financial stability and sound business practices. The advantage of qualified plans to employers is. Even though my life fits into a backpack, I still find that theres never enough closet space for my clothes. What describes the tax advantage of a qualified retirement plan? He's insured under a life insurance policy with the accelerated benefits rider. How many days does the insurer have to deliver this notice? How are contributions to a tax-sheltered annuity treated with regards to taxation? Considered to be the average risk; representative of the majority of people in their age and with similar lifestyles, Insurers (this is so the insurers can compare the info that have collected on the individual). Which of the following is true? A Giving an applicant a $5 pen with the insurer's logo during the insurance application process C Accidentally misspells the name of the insurance policy in a written communication to a customer. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. An insured purchases a policy in 2008 and died in 2013. He dies in a freak accident on June 1. An annuity owner is funding an annuity that will supplement her retirement. Gender Whether an insurable interest exists between the individuals, An underwriter may obtain information on an applicant's hobbies, financial status, and habits by ordering a(n). The integer 4 is considered all of the following except _____. And employee quits her job where she has a balance of $10,000 in her qualified plan. The insurance company discovers at that time that the insured concealed info during the application process. D 1 to 50. Life Insurance 3 Flashcards | Replace the underlined word with the correct form, How do you play Roblox on a Chromebook without downloading it. He died on February 28. All of the following could own a group life insurance EXCEPT A group needing low-cost life insurance An applicant for a producer's license has successfully completed all of the steps to obtain the license. The insured was severely injured in an auto accident, and after 10 weeks of hospitalization, died from the injuries. A In the preceding 12 months. Contracts that are prepared by one party and submitted to the other party on a take it or leave it basis are classified as? Required fields are marked *, Rebating is an unfair trade practice and is regulated by law. All of the following would be considered rebating except: sharing commissions with other licensed and appointed agents. A 40 year old man buys a whole life policy and names his wife as his only beneficiary. D Producer commission schedules. They could be sold for an amount greater than the current cash value, they involve insurance policies with large face amounts, they could be use for a key person coverage. In this state, a temporary license may be issued for any of the following reasons EXCEPT. Within how many days of this notification must the producer be sent a copy? Updated 10/30/2021 2:46:29 PM. After 5 years, she decides to leave the company and work independently. An agent's license may also be suspended or revoked. B 60 days Licensed, however, is outside of the U.S. Insurers who are owned by stockholders who have the usual rights of ownership, including the right of voting? D Engages in fraud. D Rebating. Who can make a fully deductible contribution to a traditional IRA? D Misrepresentation. Any person found guilty of a violation of the Insurance Code of this state may be subject to a civil fine of up to $1,000 for each violation, or up to $5,000 for willful violations (not to exceed $50,000). Life Insurance Exam Quiz pt. 5 Flashcards - B All of the following are true regarding rebates EXCEPT a) Rebates are only allowed if specifically stated in the policy. For each statement, indicate the accounting term described, or answer "None" if the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms. f. Get an answer. All of the following actions can be described as twisting EXCEPT. Figure out how many vegetables to plantEver wonder how many vegetable plants to buy when youre planning your garden? The ownership provision entitles the policyowner to What is correct concerning the taxation of premiums in a key-person life insurance policy? All of the following are true regarding rebates EXCEPT. Required by state law to be included in the policy, and cannot be altered by the policyowner. The policyowner is entitled to policy loans. What is the purpose of a free-look period in insurance policies? Free Shipping on all orders | We're roasting your coffee right now how to detach from a codependent mother (+91)8050038874 george johnston biography [email protected] These are all considered to be Unfair Trade Practices, which are major violations that can lead to heavy penalties. When does the policy coverage become effective? The death protection component of Universal Life Insurance is always.. A return of Premium term life policy is written as what type of term coverage? An applicant for a Counselor's license in Michigan must possess all of the following EXCEPT If the producer continues to violate the entrance code, I knew so penalty will be assessed every? This is considered to be an unfair claim settlement practice What is the result of this? Search for an answer or ask Weegy. What is the purpose of a disclosure statement in life insurance policies? An agent who deliberately makes a malicious statement about another insurance company is guilty of an illegal trade practice called. The least expensive first year premium payment is found in.. What determines the cash value of a variable life policy? Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. What policy component contains the company's promise to pay? All of the following would be considered to be rebating EXCEPT. C Defamation How could she obtain an individual policy? They want to start a program through their practice that will provide retirement benefits for themselves and three employees. The 3 risk classifications used by underwriters for life insurance, Selection, classification, and rating of risks, To allow the consume to compare the costs of different policies. What does this mean to the beneficiaries? An insured misstates her age at the time the life insurance application is taken. A licensed counselor MAY NOT perform which of the following duties? All the following would be considered an unfair and deceptive practice. Which policy provision allows this? When an employee terminates coverage under group insurance policy, coverage continues in force for how long? If a licensee does not earn 24 hours of Continuing Education by the license review date, the license will be suspended for up to how many days? Their daughter is reaching the maximum age of dependent coverage, so she will have to convert to permanent insurance in the near future. D 10. This pays 2 or 3 times the face amount if death is the result of an accident as defined in the policy and occurs within 90 days of such an accident. How do you get to Motion settings on iPhone? Most horse (1). Result of calculation based on the average number of months the insured is projected to live due to medical history and mortality factors? A Illegal until endorsed by the Guaranty Association D Any time in the past. This practice is considered? What can they do? Is a program that assesses and reports information about various computer resources and devices. The company also guarantees the specified dollar amount for each payment and the length of the payout period. Within how many days of requesting an investigative consumer report must an insurer notify the consumer in writing that the report will be obtained? Age The policyowner of an adjustable life policy wants to increase the death benefit. All Of The Following Are True Regarding Rebates Except B Insurer financial requirements. D. Commissioner. Employees must receive a minimum of $5,000 in annual compensation, no other qualified plan can be used, no more than 100 employees. A policyowner who is also yeh insured wants to name her husband as the beneficiary of her life policy. B 30 B Coercion. If the corporation collects the policy benefit, then. Which of the following could be used when a corporation, association, partnership, or limited liability partnership acts as a producer? This misstatement may result in? In this state, what type of violation is rebating? What is true? If a policy had an automatic premium loan provision, what happens if the insured dies before the loan is paid back? Which of the following may obtain a producer's license, but may not sell, solicit, or negotiate a contract of insurance in Tennessee? The producer could be found guilty of Which of the following would be required to be licensed as an insurance producer? The "accumulation period" is the period of time over which the annuitant makes payments (premiums) into an annuity. All of the following would be considered rebating except C Consists of completing 24 hours of CE each biennium. Which of the following is a true statement regarding taxation of the accelerated benefits? Under what circumstances could the daughter collect the death benefit? Articles of merchandise with an invoice value of $5 or less for life insurance agents and $10 or less for property and casualty agents $10 or less are not considered rebates, and are allowed as gifts to insurance applicants or insured. All of the following would be considered rebating EXCEPT. Rebates include money, sharing of commissions, promises, inducements and personal services. Heavy Cream is in Aisle A31 of the Dairy section in Walmart. Annuities can also be used to.. The following are nine technical accounting terms introduced or emphasized in this chapter: ResponsibilitymarginTransferpriceCommonfixedcostsContributionmarginCost-plustransferpriceTraceablefixedcostsPerformancemarginProductcostsCommittedfixedcosts\begin{array}{lll}\text { Responsibility margin } & \text { Transfer price } & \text { Common fixed costs } \\ \text { Contribution margin } & \text { Cost-plus transfer price } & \text { Traceable fixed costs } \\ \text { Performance margin } & \text { Product costs } & \text { Committed fixed costs }\end{array} When would a misrepresentation on the insurance application be considered fraud? C Class C violation An insured will be allowed to reactivate her lapsed life insurance policy if action is taken within a certain period of time, and proof of insurability is provided. Correlation and Causation What are correlation and causation and how are they different? The policyowner of an adjustable life policy wants to increase the death benefit. All of the following statements concerning an employer sponsored non-qualified retirement plan are true as follows: Two attorneys at law and operate their practice as a partnership. If a policy has an automatic premium loan provision, what happens if the insured dies before the loan is paid back?