Ive noticed that with planets close to the ascendant, there is an instinctive understanding and clarity of the planets energy (the tighter the orb, more the clarity). They dont sit around waiting for things to happen, but they tend to take charge of their goals. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. Opposite the MC, will it affect my career or not at all? I want to know if career is supposed to be hard or easy and is that a self destructive placement Thank you for the article and all your responses to different situations. Home for the native is an uncomfortable place, but one is always searching for it. Wow, when good transits go bad, christ. Click here for info. Hi Rose. there should be tons of stellium people out there, but its hard to find good articles about how to interpret them. travis scott sound effect meme. Because marginalization takes away a persons ability to write their own history, we often live in memory worlds that are not our own. Could it be that my venus is in virgo, trine Lilith and Chiron in 7th in Taurus, but my DC is in Aries (have both signs intercepted in 7th). But the Lunar nodes are a complete mystery to me so far. Each year, around May 16, the Sun aligns with a powerful fixed star, Algol. mars conjunct ic would be very similar to moon conjunct mars because the ic is the cusp of the 4th house which is ruler of cancer and the moon. Maybe some tragedy affecting a whole generation. Prosperity from youth and in own city. I have quite a lot of planets in angular houses (not necesserily conjunct angles). Neptune on ascendant shows that the filter through which you view the world is compassionate but also the idea that everything is transient and that material things are not important. In the story of Osiris, Osiris was scattered into many different pieces before being put back together. Oppositions are supposed to be hard. Yes I have researched those eclipses a lot. Hello Nicole Your grand trine between Mars Pluto and Sun can be powerful if you use it right. 2. I had it when my first astrology website became successful. Jupiter in scorpio crossing all those planets is positiveand it is a good time to explore what your project to the world, and how you can transform this in order to get the effect your want. ohhh about the metal.. i recieve msgs about the metal a while ago hehe cool.. thanks . Traditionally, this star is associated with difficult circumstances, or 'losing one's head'. For exampleif someone has Uranus conjunct the ascendant,then they have a special connection to all that this planet indicates. They may find themselves attracting people who are conservative, older folks (or those who behave older), authority figures, people who push them into following rules, and this may also lead to conflicts since it opposes the ascendant. skechers go walk joy - simple voyage; does pallas have a moon. High ecclesiastical honor, martial preferment, prosperity in business. The ascendant conjunct descendant synastry aspect is often found in the charts of couples. The two of them always put their head first and fell too deep in love which makes me worried everytime. In your case, leaving out the Saturn parallel Sun make leave out a big chunk of relevant information about your personality. I wonder if theres anyone with Uranus conjunct the IC and how they feel this manifests in their life. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.38. I think I am done with that and I hope my next job will be in entertainment industry, meaning I am done with delays. Sirius is the most comprehensive astrology program in the world, with advanced features in almost every area of astrology, including modern, Vedic, Medieval, Hellenistic, Huber, harmonics, symmetrical astrology, cosmobiology, financial astrology, and research. Competitive and scarcity in resources creates the conditions for exceptionalism. Jupiter in hard aspect to Sirius is the easiest type of Sirius placement to deal with, since Jupiter is exalted in the Moons sign. They usually have many health checkups from the fear that they may be having heart problems but they are just wasting their time and money. People with lot of planets in angular houses feel like they are on a mission to do something important in this life and people can sense this fire. It keeps them tied to the family circle, including all the relatives. Any advice to get over this Uranus opp DC?? I think Mars Pluto on Vega will keep its own energy apart from Sirius. I feel a connection with that star but again, I don't know what the descendant means in . If you have moon in double aspect to your ascendant, it shows that safety and security play an important role in how you view life. Sirius in the first house in cancer, with Pluto trine, a square with lilith, conjunction with mars, opposition with saturn and neptune thank you . Yes, the calling for people with Neptune in MC is to find something that is authentic (right for their soul), even if the path maybe hard, uncertain, challenging to make a living off it. I would advise the native be a freelancer. For my solar return, I can stay in my location and have the sun & venus in the 10th house but more than 10 degrees away from the MC, or travel to a place that will place Sun & venus in a very tight conjunction with the MC but technically be in the 9th house. Canis Major is connected by the Kabalists with the Hebrew letter Tzaddi and the 18th Tarot Trump, The Moon. Whats so bad about Venus square Saturn? I am a librarian though, a very Mercury career I think. please keep going with your articles as it reveals so many triggers and knowing within when one stumbles over truth being revealed. Affinity: This chart will show your conjunctions indicating affinity. He walks and talks large. I guess the placement at the Nadir can be blamed for that, it remains rather hidden, and maybe the opposition influences things in that direction too. It actually shows that may planets are sitting in the hot seat and your life will be both challenging and interesting, Also,since you have so many planets in an angle, it means that you can make things happen better than many othersonce your put your mind to it and find a way to balance the energy of the planets. Yes, could be. Sirius is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Jupiter just transited my ascendant, and is now about to run over my Pluto. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. I dont have a strong family bond. This start's off as a highly fated feeling , mysterious connection. what would you consider a proper orb for Sirius? Planets conjunct the Imum Coeli (IC) or the Nadir: Imum Coeli is the 4th house cusp and in latin means the bottom of the sky. This could one of the reasons for having financial issues. I appreciate your great information! Im starting to wonder if its the trine to the DC thats responsible for the highly unconventional relationships I feel I have potential but I am usually confused about my lifes directionand I havent got any of the fame and honors regarding my career. Because memories are by nature untruthful, they become fragmented. Ascendant shows the lens in front of us. The Sirius promise is a promise that cultural alienation can turn into soft power. From what I have gathered a Star Paran a planet 45 degree angle is powerful or is the Aspect only powerful when on the actual angles of the horoscope ? [3], Sirius (our English Sir is derived from this word) was, by the ancients, always associated with great heat. The most powerful are the ones closest to the angle. But I also understand that you may have to make some choices. My moon/pluto conjunction trines it. Harshly aspected it can show a psychotic person truly a menace to himself and the community, but in better condition we have here the star of the truly Great figures in every field of human endeavor. Saturn-Sirius issues can be around actual exodus or migrancy. It exhausts me everytime people would expect alot from me, even my family, resulting me to withdraw myself and live in solitary. Hi, I have Neptune 5 degrees from my ascendant in Scorpio (in the 12th house), Uranus 8 degrees from my MC and Pluto 8 degrees and 19 minutes, (does that count?) Planets conjunct Midheaven (MC) : MC is the area that shows what one puts out to the world in terms of accomplishment, career, success, etc. I advise professional counsel. I very much relate with Uranus conj Asc (libra) , Sun conj Desc (aries) Moon conj MC (cancer) and Mars (cap) conj IC. Chiron has to do with themes of wounding and healing, in this lifetime and past ones. When you look at people who created or made things happen, they usually have hard aspects like square or oppositions involving angles. I have a Sirius conjunct Descendant/ opposite Ascendant exact (orb 0 04). Lately someone I saw only 4 times said to me at our goodbye: Ill see you at nieuwsuur. Its so hard all My past, my feelings, relation with my mom, poor. I hope you remember to come back with an update when your potential is realized. It makes sense because I worked for almost 10 years as a teacher for adults on very high business positions and hated it, it is not a profession I chose for myself, it was a series of unfortunate events. With mercury conjunct your Ascendant, you will probably figure it out. who desires Deaneira, the wife of Heracles, and kidnaps her. You do need a planetary conjunction to activate the energy of a star. If people see this, that could bring out bullying. When you have many planets around an angular houses or conjunct an angle, then there is an emphasis on a angular disposition, which means you have a strong need to express the energy of the planets that are conjunct the angles. Also while I have you here and might as well pick your brain would a transiting moon paran ones natal Jupiter be good for gambling ? This is a personally busy time of year, when you feel energetic and enthusiastic. Diana, since IC is the cusp of 4th house which is roots, emotion, feeling, home, it is the internal compass that we carry. Likely there was a lot of moving around. I also have Uranus tightly conjunct ascendant and this make you look at the world in your own unique manner you are not easily influenced. Dogs are a colonial animal and Sirius, as the dog star, is about settling, cultural belonging, and citizenship. Mars Uranus combo is the dare devil fiery brand aspect, and the people who have this are, This is a modified version of the article published in NCGR (National Center for Geocosmic Research) Newsletter, Moon Pluto Aspects in Astrology is called the most difficult aspect due to the intensity and potential. I have similar kind of configuration involving my ascendant and yes it can be intense but it is also a configuration which is helpful to manifest things. So maybe there is a burning issue that lies at the root of a family problem or has been inherited. So you see the struggle ..because you do value being secure but at same time there is a need to be in a career that is not just based on practicality? eclipse. Ultimately, a total restriction of energy would result, causing them to feel extremely tired. How much of it is openly expressed depends on the sign, aspects, whether it is retrograde, etc, but the internal awareness of this energy is always present. While this conjunction can be inspiring and exciting, it can also manifest in darker ways/ Outer planets are not easy to integrate and they can have a destructive effect. hits your Saturn, there may be some chaos in the area that Saturn is located. Good god I have an insane few years ahead of me. Do you know the date of that eclipse? All of these were in conjunction to my Ascendant (16 Aries). Again im guessing this is because Neptune is stationary & strengthened in its own house, while closely aspecting an angle gives it the strong outlet. I loved this! Hello Zazle, thanks for your comment. Fixed star Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) Moon angular people can easily bring out their caring and nurturing personality, especially with Jupiter. Im drawing bad energy from others like its my job. He or she was fanatical or obsessed. When I had this transit, there was chaos because of a contract that was not done right. Funny. [2], Midheaven conjunct Sirius: High office under Government giving great profit and reputation. With Mars conjunct MC is an indication of physical component in ones career. I have Sirius in my 10th house, 1 degree conjunct my IC. Topic: What could Sirius conjunct Descendant mean? Thanks very much, Hello Ambrose, it shows that although you may have opportunities to shine in you career, your career path could be transformational and challenging. What I have noticed that Neptune in aspect to other planet, tends to add a filter of sacrifice, passiveness, selflessness. For example Neptune will tends to diminish the egoistic tendencies of the Sun (when Neptune aspects the sun) and so suns energy may be expressed through the filter of selflessness and passiveness. .hide-if-no-js { Attraction towards famous people? Jupiter Rx also forms the apex of a YOD, forms the apex of a YOD, its inconjunct to Moon in Sagittarius 11th House and inconjunct to Sun in Pisces in 2nd House. [7]. Home was not stable. What is the best approach to manage this energy other then try not to explode? Venus is the disciplinary power of norm setting and Mars is the perceived threat of the cultural outsider. }. [1], A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. The past, the present, and the future, are all the same. a- ceres conj moon, sun conj ceres. I also have mercury at 10 degrees Libra, conjunct ascendent from the 12th house. If Saturn be with the Moon, death by wild beasts or soldiers. All of the points are lit up. Anyway having this grand trine is a blessing and I hope that you put it to good use through taking on some challenging activities. Moon conjunct MC may be expressed asa need to mother everyone and may choose a career where this can be consciously expressed. Sirius in conjunction with the Sun and well placed in the chart will be found to be the case with numerous important and famous personalities. Person is his own counter culture. . Saturn at 11, moon at 15 jupiter at 17, pluto at 23 and mercury at 1 Scorpio. Also when my progressed Moon was conjunct MC/Sirius earlier this year, I received a lot of praise and attention for an extra-curricular project I did at work. Also, think about the general influence of Sirius as custodians, curators and guardians. The attraction can be instant or very noticeable on a profound level. [7], Ascendant conjunct Mars conjunct Sirius: On the Ascendant and with Mars combined, Sirius can be quite dangerous, pushing ahead with too much ambition is then seen, resulting in dangers by injuries or attempts on the natives life. So, how can I relate to Sirius conj my Jupiter in a different way? My interest in my Natal Chart is leading me to weird places. In Vedic Astrology, Kalasarpa Yoga occurs when all the planets except for outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are placed between the Nodes. Im really interested in your take of sun and saturn/pluto conjunct MC in libra. At first, Sirius was just something I noticed. This interpretation of Uranus in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Rising mean on Ascendant, culminating means on Midheaven. Thanks for that Jo. I would definitely encourage you in this new, creative direction! I was thinking if there is a t-square between Sun, Jupiter, and the North Node but some astrologers says major aspect configuration like that cannot be formed by non-bodied object like Node. It sees itself as a shelter for those who have been estranged from the rest of the world. So check to see if there is anything that needs fixing in this area. It also shows that the mother played a dominant role (positive or negative) in the persons life. Since there are very few sources on fixed star interpretations besides the book cited on this website, I am stuck. Nice to have the asc and nadir rather than mc and desc I find, personal thing I guess. ty, I am curious a reply on this one as well , Hi Cheri ! A lot of folks with this star prominent in their charts are first generation immigrants, are estranged from family, or exist as outliers in some way. True what you said about Neptune in MC need to selfless. I know a guy who has Chiron -2 degrees away for angle- and Mars -7 degrees away- in the 1st conj Asc plus Pluto in the 6th house -4 degrees away- and Uranus in 7th house -7 degrees again- in the 7th. Virgil says that Sirius With pestilential heat infects the sky., Homer spoke of it as a star Whose burning breath, Taints the red air with fevers, plagues, and death. It is not, however, of its heat that its name speaks, but of the fact that it is the brightest of all the stars, as He of whom it witnesses is the Prince of princes, the Prince of the Kings of the earth., Though this Dog-Star came to have an ill-omened association, it was not so in more ancient times. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.34, 208,235. The rest of my chart are 1st house Sun, 5th house Mars, 7th house Pluto, 10th house Jupiter, 12th house Saturn. Especially when Sirius hard aspects the Moon, it creates a sense of cultural alienation. The planet conjunct an angle is strong even if its not in a angular house, as long as It is close to the angle. I dont know why but its something that happens more than its supposed to, statistically speaking. Fixed star Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris, is a brilliant white and yellow star, the brightest star in the sky. Fortunate Jupiter/ Mars 20 Cancer 27: Castor- Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief. I think your analysis of planets closely conjunct angles is spot on. What could you say about Mars (3rd house Leo and makes a grand trine in fire signs with Sun & Pluto if this is of any significance) in tight conjunction with the IC? I am libra. you need a job that is right from your heart but also which is flexible and has independence. She is known as, In Roman mythology, Juno was married to Jupiter. Sun and Mercury conjunct the Nadir and have never had a stable or healthy home environment or any healthy family or support, constant external challenges and chaos in that area. Chiron there is a bit weird and suggests some karmic pain linked to the family or ancestors. The fixed stars used to mark the moon mansions all sit along the ecliptic (path of the Sun), or Moon in this case. Thanks! you mean to say sun conjunct sirius will favor a person in sex war and business and anything ruled by mars will be favored i have studied that after 30 people start to get great results from fixed stars which are on their sun and moon, still waiting for your response on my below comment. Uranus clearly influences my chart. With Moon: Plough, sow, but do not travel. If your Uranus was retrograde, then most of the trend setting views are internal but otherwise people see you as someone who is not afraid to be different. Sorry, but the link of the 22nd Chinese Xiu refers to the fixed star Tejat Posterior, not Sirius. I also have a 12th house Neptune in Sag tightly square this Moon / M.C conjunction. I am eventually going to add celebrities to these pages for each planet and AC, MC. David Beckham 018, Drew Barrymore 127, Mary Shelley 143. Its a story about exceptionalism. The energy here acts on theinternal rather than the external. How do I find out where Sirius is in my chart please? I have my IC weirdly enough exactly at 1405 Cancer. If rising or culminating, kingly preferment. She also has Mars conjunct MC, you would think shes a warrior if you meet her. Now the scientists say that prodding one subatomic particle will affect another linked one over vast distances faster than the speed of light. It is true that certain signs stand out more than others when it comes to intuition. What would Work is conjunct North Node mean? Nice, do you think it is as beneficial as we would expect? Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Fromental Halevy, Josef Mengele, Mark Wahlberg, Billy Joel. etc. I thought I would answer Grail on Uranus conjunct the IC. Descendant conjunct Sirius: Marie Curie 013 (and Uranus), Gwen Stefani 032 (and Moon), Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn 114, Elizabeth I 135, Nicholas Culpeper 136, Sirhan Sirhan 207, Novak Djokovic 210, Ted Kennedy 220, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 230 Part of Fortune conjunct Sirius: RuPaul 236 They can often feel as though the marginalized identity that they perform is not authentic to them but that it is a learned behavior. At the same time Pr Saturn is on the IC. Below, we will look at this synastry position's positive and negative aspects. And to be honest for my whole life I felt I have a world destiny. The Moon in here wants to be appreciated for its caring and care-taking abilities. As always some people will like you for it while others (more Saturnian kind) may get threatened. Rose, Also, please check what kind of aspects these planets make as this would modify the expression. I have read from various sources that fixed stars only work in conjunction. The popular dog breedsAustralian shepherds, German shepherd, French bulldog, Newfoundlandare nationalisms and fantasies of settler colonialism. or would pluto be better ? Jamie, what about opposition to Sirius? I mean what would Sirius conjunct North Node mean? Pluto conjunct the ASC is very different from any of the above. And what would Mercury square Neptune signify to you? So Sun in the Nadir is expressed in a very different way than Sun conjunct MC. Same bday as the current Dalai Lama***, Sirius conjunct MC Cancer, Spica conjunct Asc Libra:-). They feel that they dont fit into narratives around what foreignness means. Just a thought take it or leave it. The I.C/ nadir not only applies to ancestry matters but in applying fixed stars to a natal chart it also represents the end of the matter, end of life, life work we are remembered for. My ascendant is at 15 degrees Libra, Moon is at 16, Jupiter at 18, and Mars at 23(all conjunct from first house). Capricorn risings are gatherers. Sirius is about creating memories that live in the future. Your article is spot on! What it means if a planet is in diffrrent house but conjuct an angle? Because of the association of cleanliness with Godliness (virtue), this mansion also presides over law and order, moral uprightness and cleansing of moral wrongs. [7], Cat Stevens 031, Boris Johnson 042, Tony Abbott 134, Descendant conjunct Sirius: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. impact, travel to an area where Sun and Venus on MC. Although I am not sure I quite grasped how the energy of the planets conjunct IC is like, when you mean they are more internalised? Saturn is about exodus and genealogy. 194-211. I wanted to ask if you could give a more spiritual perspective on star constellations. This causes a restriction in the digestive juices in the stomach that leads to bloating. I am just thinking it must be easy for people to be around you. Hi Raili, I have not studied Orcus. I do not feel close family ties. Anyone want to chime in ? So planets in the Nadir play a big role in developing the internal emotional strength of the person. Since the conjunction is on your Descendant, your rewards and honors won't come until you are in a solid partnership/relationship. Cancer, conjunct my 3rd house, with asteroids Logic and Industria within 1. And the hottest part of the year we still call the dog days, though, through the variation as observed in different latitudes, and the precession of the equinoxes, its rising has long ceased to have any relation to those days. Soft power is the ability to represent the self as weak from a position of power. It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. Im constantly hungry for ideas, novel ideas or ideas that upset established orders, or innovate ways of thinking that others often find uncomfortable. Uranus is sextile my Venus, dont think that could be the reason, but maybe. I also have Jupiter widely conjunct at 3 Cancer and I thought that was too wide but reading the description it kind of fits too with the family ties theme. I have zero planets in water signs (if you exclude south node, anti-vertex and ceres that is), but Im nothing like the description astrologers always put of someone lacking water signs. [7]. Be warned though that when Neptune What does this mean? You will love him or hate him, but you WON"T miss him. This is why the Sun is about the familiar while the Moon is about the foreign. They often play the role of the dark sheep or the lone wolf in both social spaces. They are major players as angles are the most personal points of your chart. I have Saturn at 15 libra, mercury retro at 18, moon at 20, MC at 22, Jupiter at 23, Pluto at 24 libra, all sextile Venus,Neptune, acsendant in sag. It could also mean that you partnerships, intimate and business, are very successful. Hi, interesting stuff Have Jupiter (1st) sun, mercury + uranus (exact conj to each other) in close conjuction to asc on what I hear is the more powerful side of a con this case the 12th house), with pluto conj mercury and uranus, but not asc. Things got better when I accepted that change is going to part of my career path. I havent had an easy life necessarily, but since reaching adulthood I seem to succeed at my academic/career endeavors in ways that get me noticed. This New Moon placement is a powerful one-it's a time to reinvent yourself in some personal way, such as with a new look or manner of expressing and presenting yourself. The eclipse dates are on the wiki Dendera zodiac page. By tradition, only conjunctions to fixed stars (and sometimes oppositions) should be read. i have ceres conjunct ic, venus conjunct dc. the more planets conjunct an angle, there is more chance for prominence. The whole Paran 45 degree aspect has my brain in a actual uproar. Interesting question Rav. Thank you for answering!!! Hello Jamie. I had wondered about this part of Sirius. But its amazing to get that little bit of astrological insight and flavour of events long ago provided by the Dendereh Zodiac, and the 51 BC. http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Couric,_Katie A planet located on an ascendant has a different kind of influence than a planet located on the descendant, because they have a different purpose. A great website you made. I havent seen any indications that Moon square Ascendant will give a cold appearance . Hello! Is it true that duality can o only be exp experienced on earth?? mars will spark fire in ics most vulnerable spots. I have lived in many places. I am really curious about how to work with these. Dogs are seen as a companion species of those who are fated to wander the world, attached to nothing. Also, the sign plays an important role. Einstein has a ascendent trine Mercury and Saturn. What is the end result everyone is walking towards? Im generally sober with melancholic temperament, very serious outlook, practical, prudent, resourceful, determined but at the same time I lack confidence. Its a good thing to have passion. There is the power to manifest with planets in angular houses. Mars opposes Jupiter and Saturn (the Saturn aspect is tighter). One of my clients with Mars conjunct MC teaches Yoga and is a massage therapist. Credit goes to him, Rose, Also, please check what kind of aspects these planets make as this wo, Interesting article- I have Pluto conjunct the Ascendant and have always be, Hi there, I started learning about Astrology and Astronomy as a Hobby but n, I have the same natal chart (dob) as David Bowie for planets, signs & N, Hi I was hoping to get some insight on my yod I'm a bit confused on what it, Hi!
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