The agent who told Mathews, Were gonna have a problem, apologized to the reporter and told her that he was answering questions about a case file that he had not reviewed for months. Its so obvious a coverup. [I'm] gonna have to kick that door in Jones relays to the other officers standing on the other side of the closet, barreling through it in just two swift and deliberate kicks. Warner Bros. Entertainment | Matthew Boynton, 21, had just started work as a Griffin police officer. "That's the way we're gonna play this game, Sheila. However, she was NOT shot. Furthermore, he said, it's his observation that self-inflicted gunshot wounds are very unusual among women. she asked. I attempted to contact Jessica Boynton via telephone to advise her that this is a civil matter. She also stated that she just wanted her things back, so I informed her that I would do a report on the incident.. What he finds turns this case of a suicide upside down. When facts are wrong, evidence altered to fit theories and threats made, how does the GBI remain the last word on the case? "To help cover his tracks.". nd police notify Jessica's family that she has died. At the time of the shooting Jessica was looking to make a new start for herself and two young sons. Cops find 8-month-old Tyler visibly upset but thankfully uninjured. Yates also said Boynton had provided a statement during the subsequent Internal Affairs investigation, acknowledging the items Sanders turned in were Lesters belongings. Man, look, she's still breathing. He hears a baby crying as he carefully steps into the bedroom where a dark brown crib is situated. "That was when approximately 24 minutes into the conversation, his demeanor changed and everything flipped," she recalled. She says there were pages missing. She had an appointment Monday.. They wanted me to come back Friday for orientation for the job, she said. Then-Griffin Police Department officer Matthew Boynton was arrested on July 28, 2017, for giving a false statement to his own department stating he was not i. Meet at the Visitor Center. Photos | Jessica and Matthew Boynton wedding. A DISGRACE! But where's the second round? No bullet fragments were recovered from her head. And he called the girlfriend, so Mays said to Mathews. He reads another text from mistress, while driving home at nearly 90 mph. Matthew begins calling his brothers in blue, telling them Jessica is physically abusing him -- not a standard way of reporting domestic abuse. Collectively, they examine the bullets' trajectory from the closet, into the bedroom wall and ceiling. It could have been simply that um, all his, he left his stuff there. A message to Matthews phone is received and marked as read, from his girlfriend--from inside the evidence bag. ', Do you know how it was that you got shot?, Have you ever had any type of thoughts about hurting yourself?. I was scared to death, because I couldnt find [Tyler]that she would shoot me, I mean shoot him, shoot me, and then kill herself.. They investigate further and find a gun underneath Jessica's limp body. He then said the GBI has not indicated to him that the investigation will be reopened. "When the GBI concluded their case they gave it back to Jessica, and I got it from Jessica," Sanders said. GBI director Vernon Keenan wrote a letter indicating the gunshot wound was self-inflicted by Jessica, closing the case. I mean that just doesn't happen," said Jessica. Her complaint, which she checked on, was never filed. He was going to clean his gun and he asked me to go get it for him. Listen. But Jessica still can't remember what happened that terrible night in the closet, and she's says there is only one person with the answers. But this wasn't the end of Jessica's story, rather a new beginningbut not the one she was hoping for. Two-year-old Tollin is sleeping soundly in his bed as cops try not to wake him in the chaos. Still inside, some of the officers look closer and find two bullet holes inside the closet. Jessica is also slinging allegations at Matthew's brothers in blue at the Griffin Police Department, and Matthew's grandfather Sheriff Wendell Beam. Was the investigation a mess up or a cover up? And that's all I needed, so I was on cloud nine.". Matthew makes it home and races to the breezeway of his apartment and enters, checks the master bedroom and bangs on the locked closet door. Cops do find Jessica's DNA on the gun. In partnership with Agent DeMarco approaches Meagan Browning, who's joined by Eric Kshywonis, at 61 Ashford Waythe apartment just downstairs from Jessica and Matthew. There's so many useless words thrown in there, then there's so many words left out, she said. That's right. And would a dad leave his kids inside with a suicidal woman and a loaded gun? Officer Adam Trammel reports to a non-emergency call from the Boynton residence at Ashford Place on Ashford Way, in Griffin, Ga. "If he would have just been a regular person he would have been taken to jail," said Jessica. I figured out what happened. I have been suffering for a while now and no one has noticed. But the report and follow-up interviews with the lead investigator make the case as clear as mud to one reporter in the small town where it happened. Tyler, the 8-month-old baby, is the result of a relationship Jessica had with a mechanic while she and Matthew were temporarily separated. Donald Britt, Lt. Darrell Dix, Lt. Keys and Beam are also present. She told me to take care of the boys, so I'm trying to hurry up and get back home just to make sure nothing is going to happen to them. That's not what the surveillance tape shows. Listen. Her head shaved. "It's just inconvenient. In 2016, something terrible happened to Jessica Boynton, a 19-year-old mother of two. He has been charged with false statements and writings and violating his oath of office. A request is made to notify the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Jones checks on a locked closet door between the master bedroom and hallway, across from the bathroom. Jessica Boynton's husband says he gets a suicidal text from his estranged wife, so he rushes home, only to hear two gunshots. It doesn't sound like anything I would say. After Jessica was shot, Matthew, then-20, was back on duty with his gun on his hip, before key interviews were conducted and the GBI director wrote an official letter about the cases conclusion, stating that the shooting was ruled a suicide.. This couldn't happen man. With the suicidal text message and Jessica's DNA found on her husband's gun, less than a month after her hospital bed interview, Matthew was verbally cleared by the GBI, according to the chief, and as of June 6, Matthew returned to full duty with a new service weapon on his hip. Boyntons statement, dated Jan. 9, said, I was advised to complete a statement on a previous date by Lt. Yancey. He changed clothes yet lied and said he did not. Earlier that night Jessica's husband Matthew headed to Waffle House for a late-night bite with a fellow officer, leaving his service weapon . Keyword: Admitted. The glowing yellow and black, blocked-letter Waffle House sign illuminates his truck as he drives by, turning around to head back home. Blood pressure.. GBI/Griffin Police Dept. Around midnight Matthew says he leaves Jessica and the kids to meet fellow Officer Joshua Guthrie for a late-night snack at Waffle House. According to a press release issued by the Griffin Police Department, Boynton was on Friday arrested without incident and transported to the Spalding County Jail. Stay outside.. My kids are at home with her, so I'm trying to hurry up and get back there., I'm driving. I can't even get it out of its case, she replied. Ultimately, it came down to orthodontia Lesters retainer. When asked if Boyntons arrest has led him to believe that case should be reopened, Yates said, No. One of her aunts is all over Facebook., GBI agent said, The bullet didn't even enter the skull. Minutes later, just as Matthew pulls into the Waffle House parking lot, he says he receives a chilling message from Jessica, what he calls a "suicide text," that says: "I can't do this anymore. The neighbor says Jessica came over to her apartment with the kids, clearly upset about the fight. "I have occasional headaches, but other than that everything's good," Jessica Boynton said. One of about 70 messages they exchange throughout the night. I didn't know if I was dealing with a possible active active scenario where she still had the gun and she had shot Tyler, he replies. I know eventually the chief would eventually like to get his officer back as well as his service weapon back as well, so we're going to try to expedite this as fast as possible, and when I mean expedite you know, within the next few weeks to a month, the agent said. With his gun raised and arms poised, he holds his weapon out in front of him with both hands. Unfortunately, the only person who may be able to answer that question is Jessica, and she was in a coma. Jones shouts as he travels deeper insidehis weapon drawn. Well I couldn't get it for him because I couldn't get it out of his gun holster, she said. A previous study found 41% of police admitted to being abusive to their spouses. "It was determined that he knowingly provided a false statement relating to the property in question and his possession of (it)," Natale said in a release .l Center. "Police department!" The report states Matthew left Walmart without Jessica. But many believe Jessica holds the only key as to what really happened inside that closet. Earlier that night Jessica's husband Matthew headed to Waffle House for a late-night bite with a fellow officer, leaving his service weapon, Jessica and his sleeping sons at home. The neighbor claims she had been with Jessica just hours beforehand, and says her friend would never have tried to take her own life. He said that she was so distraught that she was doubled over, and he said that she stood, closed the door in his face and then at that point he went ahead and left.". But here's the thing that has everyone shaking their heads: In the bureau's final report, dated months after Jessica was released from the hospital, they still declare Jessica dead. This stinks, and the fact remains, it appears he tried to kill his wife, so what are you guys going to do?? "I'm guessing Matthew," said Jessica. Here's where things get blurry. Matthew met Jessica during her sophomore year of high school at open house in 2012. So I'm trying to hurry and get back home just to make sure that nothing's going to happen to them.. According to the report, GBI investigators never conducted a re-canvass of the apartment complex, and did not talk with the immediate next door neighbor for four and a half months, despite reports from other residents that they heard a single gunshot hours earlier than the officers call claiming shots had been fired. "The only thing that I can tell you is that Matthew Boynton's account of events are not correct.". GSW, possible to the head. Cops finally reach that locked closet door. I don't know if it's just his job or what, but like I said I don't think he would intentionally hurt me.. Chris DeMarco, GBI's assistant special agent in charge, arrives on the scene and meets with Griffin Police Chief Michael Yates for a briefing. But asking those questions resulted in a threat. "He never re-entered the apartment after that point," said Sheila. They'd met in high school when Jessica was 15 and Matthew was 16. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. Thats what took so long to get it sorted out.. Then-Griffin Police officer Matthew Boynton was arrested on July 28, 2017 for giving a false statement to his own department about having possession of a gym bag full of clothes, underwear. "My wound was on the top of my head. It's just one piece of the brand new beginning the young mother and wife has been putting together for her and her sons. Her marriage had been crumbling, and she and her husband of six months Matthew Boynton, 20 . Four days later, he appeared in court, wearing his police uniform, and testified that he had been cleared by the GBI in a custody hearing. Despite what many think is a smoking gun, the GBI agent asking questions proceeds as if Jessica shot herself. They hit the top of the stairs knowing somebody's got a gun. It doesn't sound like anything I would say. I do not have any other items of Jessicas.. The doctor believes Jessica's injuries may have been caused by blunt-force trauma. That bastard is so guilty every time they show the door knob and any badge that doesnt know that shouldnt have one. Inside their apartment Matthew Boynton hears crying. What are my kids going to do? he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "I can't do this anymore," the message read. But another heated argument goes down in the baby food aisle. The first bullet went upward at 54-degree angle. Clearly we touched a nerve in Griffin, but we're not about to be scared off. A paramedic frantically fights to save Jessica's life. The agent had that phone, I think DeMarco, Chris DeMarco had the phone and they was [sic] trying to get in the gate, and, uh, he accidentally hit, I guess, the last number dialed, called or whatever. Those properties obtained during the marriage would be considered community property.. ! his girlfriend texts him. Excessive force. She said there were too many errors and discrepancies for her to have sent it. But Yates told 11Alive, Matthew was not the shooter and trusts the investigation's outcome. She's even fighting with EMS, dude, the fellow officer tells Matthew. "I would want to know how he did it and how does he live with himself every day knowing that he did something like this," said Jessica. Both Jessica and Matthew reportedly want a divorce. Her neighbor, who asked us to protect her identity, says she knows the motive: Jessica had uncovered Matthew's dark secret. The neighbor says Jessica started documenting all the sordid details of the affair in her secret red "divorce diary." He reads another text from his girlfriend, while driving 90 mph. Her marriage had been crumbling, and she and her husband of six months Matthew Boynton, 20 . "He tried to kill her.". In fact, 68 text messages are exchanged between him and his mistress. She made a full recovery, but doesnt remember a thing. Do you think Matthew did something? he asked her bluntly. Matthew reads a text from Lt. Curtis Keys, look for police car.. Domestic violence has always been a precursor to violence in other areas. Then he drops a shocker, claiming he wasn't the only one cheating, "She finally told me, she said 'Yeah, I had an affair,'" Matthew Boynton says in the GBI interview. I believe I just heard a shot fired coming from my residence. Did he cause his estranged spouses injury? Is that what you're saying?" Jessica Boynton, once declared dead, is alive and talking. Officer Boynton was responding to an accident, and when he returned to his cruiser, we were waiting, armed with questions. The GRIP has reported extensively on seeming inconsistencies and irregularities in that GBI investigation. Which I knew that.. However, this does not surprise me how they covered this up and they wonder why good citizens dont come forward when a crime takes place.HUMMMMM, There was a question of what was and was not community marital property, so that took some doing to sort that out, also, Yates said, adding that many of the items reported as stolen including the clothing, computer and household items had been cited as community property during the couples divorce. I can't even get it out of its case, she replied. Nearly four years later, questions persist about what happened to the young. "I think I was hit over the head with something.". I just came up the stairs, two rounds be advised I smell gun smoke, and I can't get an answer at the door, he says out of breath and panicked. The ceiling fan's light shines down on Jessica's eyes. They turn her over from her stomach to her back. I finally had the evidence that I needed that Matthew was cheating on me. A Griffin police officer who was investigated in his ex-wife's shooting was charged Friday, July 28, 2017, with making false statements and violating oath after officials say he took her belongings, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Armed with bodycams attached to their uniforms, the officers burst through the door, quickly passing Matthew's phone, a black and grey Verizon LG smartphone, on the kitchen counter. This case stinks to hi-heaven of a cover-up..if not, its a group of the most incompetent people ever to wear a Law enforcement uniform. Stephen Kruspe, 65, appears at his first appearance before a judge after the March 27, 2017, shooting of his wife, Pamela, at a Boynton Beach assisted living facility. He said the description of a self-inflicted gunshot wound didn't fit, noting her pristine and unmarked hands and calling it a very unusual direction in which to point the gun at one's self with the intention of committing suicide., First of all, the wound that she suffered was toward the vertex of her skull on the right side of her head; this would imply that she shot herself with a gun pointed downward near the top of her skull., The second most striking observation he said he made while assessing Jessica was neither of her hands had any evidence of any gunpowder stippling from gunpowder blowback.. Its a question 11Alive investigators asked a few months ago, when Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boyntons wife, Jessica, allegedly shot herself in the head with his service weapon, inside the master bedroom closetlocked from the inside. Cops do find one bullet. Matthew's mistress worked as a dispatch officer, reporting to Sheriff Wendell Beam, who just happens to be Matthew Boynton's grandfather. But it's what those body cameras don't record that's raising eyebrows. Especially because of my children. For the wife of a Georgia police officer, answering that question is unfortunately turning out not to be so simple. Jessica's theory of what happened centers around her "dirty divorce diary." Chris DeMarco, GBIs assistant special agent in charge, arrives on the scene and meets with Griffin Police Chief Michael Yates for a briefing. Updated: 11:14 PM EDT July 28, 2017. Emphasis on evidence. "Well listen, if you're going to start quoting, you gonna start recording these things, you need to let me know ahead of time before you do, before I'm starting answering questions," DeMarco ordered the reporter. Privacy Policy | It's like some of my family they hear all these people say, 'Oh I think he did it and it was planned.' The dispatch operator notified Matthew on Facebook, Browning says. This all follows a Georgia Bureau of Investigation case that ultimately ruled Lester had attempted suicide in April 2016. Bring the little ones for a story every Saturday morning at 11 a.m. to hear Sam's favorite tales. Boynton was placed on administrative leave Thursday, July 28, and the Chief said his intent was to terminate the officer, but Boynton resigned before that process could be completed. RE-open the case Georgia!!!!!! She says under the helm of Wendell Beam, the sheriff's department had a reputation for protecting its own. The subsequent investigation was short-lived, with it having been deemed a civil matter. However, with the later discovery of previously-unknown evidence, it evolved into an Internal Affairs investigation resulting in two felony charges against the former law enforcement officer. And Jessicas trauma surgeon was not interviewed by the GBI until July 20. RELATED: Who shot the officer's wife? Matthew Boynton allegedly deprived ex-wife Jessica Lester of her belongings and lied to the authorities about doing so, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. Police investigate further and find a gun underneath Jessicas limp body. After Jones pushes the gun away from underneath Jessica's bodyplacing it inside the bedroom, he and Officer Josh Howell move Jessica from the closet to the bedroom floor next to the foot of her bed so that EMS can begin working on her. A lot, she said, doesnt add up, especially since, she said, she had reason to live.
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