All right. He's put in the Arnold's kind of have him committed. So they get so it's Michelle and they get Donna and the kids in the car, Donna and Dan's kids, they and they drive over to the church. OK, I'm out right there. Yeah, right there. It's a weird looking house. It's got out ok. How it got out. James, when I started smoking, like actually buying them from a store. Wife's purse, still a great husband and a pool of blood with his wife. All right. One hundred thirty four thousand nine hundred dollars was like really. It's Fourth of July. So that's their problem. Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman, Donate at: or go to & use our email:, Go to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!, Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! Well, close out the season in October. So if the kid's seventeen and doing shit at some point, it's like, well, yeah, it's hard to control. Yeah. Yeah. He's a dirtbag. I just pictured of all fucking coming in with his hair all along, like face paint, like a Juggalo. I don't know what we're trying to wash our hands of him. They have, they're working at the church. I want him dead and I will not rest until he is. That's where you find. Mary Ella Bunn, 96, was the pedestrian killed in the hit-and-run. She'll bang stuff. Pastor Dan, that's amazing. Margaret Clark. This I feel like everything they did, they just had John Cougar Mellencamp following them with a notepad. Every time you're like, OK, what's the worst thing that could happen now? Now they live in Clinton, North Carolina moved down to Clinton, North Carolina, but her family's still in Virginia and a lot of their families in Virginia. I'll know he's going to be in the parking lot. Yeah, no, I don't know. You know, that's what they were planning on what they they had stuff says they intended to murder Dan with a spear gun, with both of them having spear guns. So he asked his friend to do this, and it's not good with words unless it's the Bible, it seems like. But now she has to do it whenever he feels. Come here. Fucking that one. Watch out. The defense opening here. I mean, I always tell the truth, which is the standard. May 18th, nineteen eighty four. Michelle would no last name Manhattan. The sheriff's deputy who drove Stoffel and the Arnolds to the hospital to drop him off said that Donna Arnold was the only one who could control stuff. It's all the blue laughing you the things he had those for the thing. So watch out. This is like small town murder Americana here. Back then though, it was a I don't know, it was unless you're into both and you can. Who interviews the priest now? We're going to manage it. No, no. Yeah. Impregnate her yet. Soon as you drop her off this thing better Arang. I love Dan. So Dad informed him then. Beautiful. That's what I mean. Both Arnold Senior and his wife Marjorie testified, and they testified that they have full belief in her innocence for belief. Fuck yeah. And so she knew that her husband was cheating. Like, I know how this I don't want to see something so good. Heather Shahd Ryan Gola NIAC. They said they're more accurate under water because that's what they're made for. This is the Dorothea Dix Hospital here. And that's how other people know that she hears stuff here. She says several months after the murder that that's that scuffle or I'm sorry that Donna, she said that she had been involved in an affair with stuff. So the staff asked them to stop touching them. He's testifying for her. So she was looking for the solution and all that shit. Gen., for State. Yeah, yeah. We're going to catch up with these and him and his wife here in the 80s, though, in the 1980s. They're just encouraging you to, you know, please smoke more every. Oh, and yes, this is apparently when Stoffel finds, quote, finds out about this and she heard stuff asking, quote, Do you think do they have any leads or know anything yet? How can I get a hold of you out of your mind. But it was not Tommy Bahama brand. How about that? When I found houses, a three bedroom, two bath, six hundred ninety two square foot house. No Dan. I think she plays the piano. Oh, my God. That what it is. So this guy, the friend told on stuff and goes and tells Dan, this guy is trying to get weed. Yeah, everybody needs their cut. I hate you Snuffles ADEC. So I have been banging dudes the entire time we've been married, entire time we've known each other. The judge said that he, quote, did not have the authority to rule on the proportionality of the sentencing. I ain't run out yet. They said they were determined to keep. Oh my God, everybody knows this. You can find me on there somewhere. And you're going to get lots of bonus episodes, though, over everywhere are all over there at on dotcom slash crime and sports bonus episodes last week, Crime and Sports Bonus. Tell Donna I'm a good husband. Yeah. Oh. See for privacy information. That's weird, right? She's I'll say it like him. Lots of support, too. ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. A man was killed in a double shooting on Sunday morning in Rocky Mount. So it's 50 years. Yeah. There's too much of her. That is a party school. Blonde. Thought I'd like you to be pregnant by this man or it'll boost his ego. You know, they're not made for shooting the minister of music in a church parking lot, fucking nutcases not to be used in a church parking lot. Sure. Right. But the other light on I need a water Lisa with no last name. But instead, it's all good. But he also put himself in for stabbing him in the chest. So thank you for doing that. And but it was like, you know, sarcastic, like, let me get away with that tongue in cheek that could happen. Yeah, going won't answer his question. Oh boy Oz like the Land of Oz, the Band of Oz. She wears Don and wears, like dresses down to her ankles, you know what I mean? How many times have I said the last thing I expect you expect me to say it's fucking case. And yeah, she said I you know, she just gets on the stand. It fucked his life. Try to figure out why they're so angry. She did not tell investigators she'd been raped because she continued to feel threatened by stuff, is what she said. The Mount Rushmore of crime is just over more than double wide. Prayer is not what we need right now. Since then, he said Donna told them that she was sorry, that they found out about the affairs and all the all that stuff and it was not necessary for anyone else to know. Maybe the buckets follow that they pass. She sucks. Dan hasn't come back yet. I'll stop by the mall and get a haircut. But it's still it's you know, it's rural. The cartel leader. Welcome to Small Town Murder. And that song about that. They didn't she said she didn't bring the car to a full stop. Yeah. But as detectives dug into Dan This is a small town murder. But then. It's either hard line, nothing. Why don't we have dinner? Speaking of steel and crime rate in this town, property crime or, you know, stealing here about one third higher than the national average. And I think one of them was like, you want to go to the motel? He'll feel good about himself if you let him blow you away a little bit here. Twenty eight. Yeah, well, what was I thinking? Like if someone in the 70s that sounds like it would have been like, you know, one a Rick James, his nicknames. Yeah, we got you two good ones this week. Three times. So according to this, now, Dan decided that he was going to evict stuff. Matt Zougam Who Guim, Jordan Bell and Hannah Gibson. They said to pussy pop on a handstand. What's going on? I'm here with my CO. And he took his family to meet scuffle and stuff his parents because stuff lived with his parents at this point. So history of this town, the first European settlers, first white people in this area were around seventeen. And if you just want to have be a producer, have Jimmy mispronounce your name and feel good about yourself and have us really like you. Now, here's Tart's story because they have different stories, very different stories. This is Marjorie. Imex. They say a couple of them say that Donna was not the typical grieving widow after the death, pointing out that she even played the organ at his funeral and also for a wedding three days after the murder. Chris would no last name. Yeah. Robert Daniel Arnold Junior spoke about first goes by Danny Kaye. You're going to get in trouble. Good God, this is horrible. Twenty two hundred. I can't people savaging places. He's having a meltdown right now. Oh, this is an arms race now. So he's born in 1951, he marries a woman named Donna Jones and she becomes Donna Arnold and she's a year younger than him. OK, how's that? He's the sweetest man alive. He's literally seeking medical help. So nineteen forty six to nineteen fifty. Well, you know what? One hundred being regular power average here at seventy eight. The other was like, OK. And then I think it went like that. Yeah, yeah. The murder conviction in the North Carolina appeals court overturns the murder conviction on the second degree, not the conspiracy, but the second degree murder conviction and but said her conspiracy should stand. Phillips Daniel Garip again. So, yeah. They have no leads. Yeah. All is just like it sounds stuff the word stuff. You make a lot of money. Oh, he's loving it. But the pastor of Pop or the the pope of Rock, I'm going to be the pope of Rock. Bail was set here. It's like what half of my life. WebCLINTON, N.C. (WNCN) A 19-year-old has been charged with shooting a Sampson County detention officer during a dispute at a home in Clinton on Monday. He's a patient there for about a month and the Arnold would come to see him, which is fucking crazy. Closing arguments come up here and there's going to be so many problems with this, isn't there? Yeah. Yeah. So this is before Donna descried didn't say anything now stuff all as detailed and laid it out for Dan. He said that and he did that. OK, this is 2001. They got a it's a busy time of year. Oh, by the way, it's not his birthday today. So, I mean, that's a livable house for 90 grand. Good. Let's do it. Yeah, I returned to my car and waited for him. Deputy Atty. So the unemployment rate here is a little bit higher than normal and the median household income is well, lower than normal. She couldn't she was catatonic almost here and drove her back to the house. We will soon be getting another restaurant called Potpies like it's some I don't know. Damn it. I'm going to be here anyway with the college. Thank you for your reviews, especially Apple podcast, The Purple Icon. Right. It's just a small town and then eleven point two percent Hispanic. You can do that very easily as well. I get up, everybody sell your house is removing the fucking towns shut down Main Street. Would you do that, please? December 30, 1994. Number one, you're a producer which really doesn't do anything for you personally except that Jimmy mispronounced your name, which is kind of funny. She said she found out about her husband's gayness and after finding, I don't know, whatever after indiscretion, no, it wasn't what he did. This isn't a nice brick house with pillars. So you let her out if you're keeping her from my fucking eight o'clock tomorrow morning, kids that miss her down at the dentist's office, that's what he's basically said, characterised her as too meek to speak out in her own defense and said she was he was proud of the way that she's standing up in trial here. It's probably a bad probably happened so early June of nineteen eighty four Stoffel is put in the hospital. Yeah, they they sound like Dr. Seuss characters. The defense argues that the case against her should not be treated as a capital case. I have it in me and ellipses. There you go. I mean, it's just that thing, strangest scene ever that belongs in this thing. I was sick from drug use, he said, and he called the Arnolds at that point, you know, begging for help. Jess with no last name. It's great. It's like it'll grab you. You know, I got some stuff, a waffle going on right now.
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