If these feelings are not addressed, they can lead to resentment and fights. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. The Saturn person tends to have the effect of stabilizing the Venus person's emotions, and much will depend on how the . There is less of a chance that this relationship will grow to be toxic. Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This aspect is similar to conjunction, but without the danger of manifesting its negative qualities, or without Saturns tendency to claim and absorb the energy of Venus. In love and marriage charts, the Venusian usually becomes unhappy and feels the dominance of the Saturnian. Being ruled by Saturn, these people can remind the Venuses to also think of their responsibilities. Read more in Venus Trine Saturn Synastry. They are opposites in some ways yet they compliment each other. He is her fortress and the reliable shoulder that strengthens her character. Venus will also be willing to compromise if Saturn can try to have some fun with them. When the first persons Venus is in conjunction with the second persons Saturn, they will show love through practical means and material accomplishment, being very . The Venus person, on the other hand, is dependent on the Saturn person. If the person with the Saturn has a Saturn placement that causes it to be full of fear and defensiveness, if it constantly feels inadequate and suppressed, it will take it out on Venus, who will feel hurt and betrayed, and surmise that Saturn's desire was a lie. The Saturn person acts to stabilize the Venus persons emotions. Venus' name came from the Roman Goddess of Love. This can be an almost overwhelming feeling. This goddess also protects art and pleasing things. I often find that these planets represent people who truly desire a deep bond, but there is sometimes a struggle in the way that this is obtained. All rights reserved. Care should be taken to avoid getting into this negative cycle. Saturn tends to place great responsibility on Venus and often blames Venus for the problems they faced together. If the Venus person is able to show the Saturn person some appreciation, then the Saturn person is often more willing to compromise. Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. Mutual dependence, mostly in a positive way, characterizes this relationship. It is safe for the Moon person to express their deepest emotions. If this relationship doesnt get out of hand, then both people can actually enhance the lives of the other, but its essential that they do this throughnon-judgment. Saturn person must be more open-minded and try to be kinder towards the Venus person. Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects In contrast to square or opposition, the trine brings about balance and harmony. Since the protector of the arts governs them, these people are involved in arts and crafts. Both accept and understand each other differences. Saturn trine Venus synastry promotes a strong sense of friendship and mutual sympathy in the relationship, as well as trust and loyalty. Venus is the planet of romance, beauty, what we love, and how we go about loving. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. The Venus person may need more romance than usual, while the Saturn person may have a hard time showing affection in certain situations. Their connection forms potent energies that further strengthen their bond with each other. Both people respect each other and easily slip into their roles in the relationship. Venus might feel that Saturn is unsympathetic or cold, but Saturn could feel that Venus is childish, undisciplined, and immature in some way. I'd gladly go to the ends of the universe and back again for him. Financial problems are likely to arise. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts With more difficult aspects, relationships may feel like running into a brick wall. This aspect creates a deep level of understanding that can be difficult to find in any other type of relationship. Venus also rules the 2nd house, which is the house of material possessions and financial security. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects However, both people can learn a lot from this relationship if theyre willing to put the emotional work in. Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. In romantic and marital relationships, the connection is based on mutual responsibility, loyalty, and respect. They may be singers, dancers, and painters. By playing with her fatherly image, she can add confidence, wisdom, and strength to her partner. Although this relationship may begin with a strong feeling of comfort and compatibility, over time, some very challenging dynamics are likely to surface. With Saturn conjunct Venus, love is a gentle breeze that warms Saturns apparent coldness. Saturn is also threatened by the change and growth that Venus's person brings. This aspect represents an easy flow of energy, its blessings come to you effortlessly, you don't have to work for it. They have learned many of the lessons in the past. Its an easy-going connection as if the planets are working together to create a balanced effect on each other. Synastry:MoonAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This aspect supports loyalty, tolerance, but Saturn should not insist on paying too much attention to itself. The couple will sense this too. It does not allow us to have our fun and free-spiritedness. Like Venus. Since both Venus and Saturn are associated with Libra, the sense of mutual respect and justice takes the upper hand in their relationship. They can lighten up the mood of the serious Saturn. 2 In synastry, Venus trines Saturn indicating a mutually beneficial learning experience for the two of them. Many people stay simply because its safe. They would appear to be attached. Saturn trine Venus synastry is considered effective in family relationships if the Saturnian is the parent. The relationship is probably quite steady, but its not exciting. They will make sure that this relationship reaps the benefits and fruits of love. A Saturn conjunct Sun relationship has a sense of growth, maturity and respect. The Saturn person tends to feels responsible for the Venus person, but should avoid becoming too parental with him or her. Saturn feels that he/she is responsible for the Venus person and would do anything to protect him/her. Find out important dates in 2022 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunites and health considerations. This could never be just a casual love affair. The Saturn person should focus on being non-judgmental and learning aboutwhy the Venus person is a certain way. Venus conjunct Saturn *requested*. Venus people do not like the people around them burdened. You admire strength. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, The Overall Theme For Venus Trine Saturn Synastry, Strengths Of The Venus Trine Saturn Synastry, Weaknesses Of The Venus Trine Saturn Synastry, Advice For The Venus Trine Saturn Synastry, Saturn in the 10th House: A Figure of Power and Authority, Venus Pluto Synastry: Power, Sensuality, and Sensitivity, Aries Weaknesses and Strengths - Fiery, Determined, and Reactive, Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon - Polar Extremes & A Decisive Personality, Aquarius in The 2nd House: A Unique Resource Bearer, North Node in The 7th House: Balancing the Self & Others, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. Both planets need to manage how to balance their social life from their personal relationships. Saturn may induce Venus to take on responsibilities in life instead of just all fun and games. At the same time, the woman may see herself as accepting the fatherly role in order to help the mans consciousness reach maturity. In order to sustain the relationship, both parties must be willing to put in the effort, which comes easily for them both. During tough times, it is important for these two to be there for each other. The Venus man can sometimes be suppressed and limited by the Saturn of his partner. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. Because this person takes the wheel, there is a suitable amount of maturity in the connection. It is not to say that there arent problems, but more that both parties are willing to work through any difficulties that may arise. This harmonious aspect can result in stability and lasting love. Read More About Me! Proudly created with Wix.com. In this variation of Saturn conjunct Venus synastry we find a harmonious permutation of roles as the man, subconsciously identifying with his anima figure, tries to please the subconscious expectations of the paternal image of his partner. The trine is probably the most fortunate of aspects between the Sun and Venus in synastry. both of them have the fortune to experience this relationship. The Saturn person has an inability to give the Venus person what they need. Sun Trine Saturn Synastry: Will The Couple Be Laden, Venus Trine Ascendant Synastry: The Couple You Will, Venus Trine Venus Synastry: How Will Their Seamless, Sun Opposite Venus Synastry: The Literal, Venus-Venus Aspects in Synastry Chart: The loving, Pluto in 6th House: No Room For Imperfections. The Venus conjunct Saturn synastry aspect can make each person grow by leaps and bounds as they are forced to let go of control. In order for a relationship to work with this aspect, both parties must be able to commit to consistent work and effort. This goddess also protects art and pleasing things. That life is not all about enjoyment and living life to the fullest. Regardless, Saturns connection with other persons planets will always reveal invaluable information on past karmic lessons as well as future opportunities for growth. We also have a share of responsibilities in life. Venus Sextile Saturn. This passionate love will find its way to inspire the couple to build the relationship stronger. Saturn has a stabilizing effect on the relationship and will calm Venus down if necessary. Saturn must learn a good dose of empathy in this partnership. Venus would find it impossible to love Saturn or, if this happened, it would only be a show caused by fear or anxiety. A vicious circle can quickly occur. As time passes, the Saturn person could feel threatened by changes or growth in the Venus persons love nature, and needs to avoid criticizing the Venus person for any new behaviors. There are a few tips that can help this aspect work better in a relationship: This trine creates a sense of karmic harmony that can be difficult to find in any other type of relationship. The aspect itself will not guarantee the formation of such a relationship; however, if Venus and Saturn are positive both in natal horoscopes and in the synastry, long-term friendship and mutual respect are likely to arise. This compliment leads to a harmonious relationship. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry:MoonMarsAspects Personal issues, such as insecurity and fear of change. The traditional values that this aspect brings can be helpful in a relationship, but its important to find a balance between tradition, growth, and change. They might be more interested in the pursuit of a long-term relationship than some other couples are. In fact, Saturns insecurity is usually covered up by intense discipline, yet this relationship can be the very opportunity they need to work through their inner issues. You are very aware of the value of your relationship. Copyright of starsandtarot.com 2023. Under this variation of Saturn trine Venus synastry the woman admires the strength and protective qualities of her partner. This is the time where the Saturn person can turn to the extreme. Neither should get too caught up in their own needs. Venus-Ascendant Aspects in Synastry Chart: The strong physical attraction between Venus and the Ascendant person. Synastry: Venus-Saturn Aspects Between Two Charts. Saturn is pleased to accept the love that Venus offers but can be too persistent and demanding of it. The man can play the role of his father to avoid feeling vulnerable to the female aura. The Venusian considers the Saturnian cold, insensitive, rude, and overly disciplined, while the latter considers the Venusian lazy, superficial, and irresponsible. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Venus square Saturn Synastry. The Venus person can ask questions in a calm and calculated way that wont overwhelm the Saturn person. Both people may want something that they never reallyget in this relationship, yet they remain hopeful that theycould get the things they want. The Saturnian helps the Venusian to organize and practically realize the possibilities of self-expression of artistic and socially acceptable talents. Arguing about the facts of something wont help you here because you see the world in fundamentally different ways. Venuspartner admires strength and protecting qualities of the person with Saturn, who gives strength, defense andstructure. With trine, Saturn loses some of its rigidness which helps Sun person to express themselves more openly. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. They never go out of style. The Saturn person may feel that they need to control their partner in order to feel secure, while the Venus person may feel smothered and trapped. We all have the same points in our charts: the Sun in a sign, the Moon in a sign, Mercury in a sign, and so on. They can appear to be selfless, though not all the time. Synastry:Mars-MarsAspects In social relationships, Saturn opposite Venus synastry is also not positive because the partners treat each other with formal coldness. And for Venus, Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. Meanwhile, the Venus person should focus on honoring the boundaries that the Saturn person sets and learning why specific commitments or routines are so important to Saturn. You have a serious desire to provide a secure foundation of loyalty, responsibility and commitment to your relationship and expect your partner to do the same. Over time, the Venus person can get depressed from being around the Saturn individual. Saturn-Venus Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Saturn-Venus aspects can often feel karmic or fated due to the sense of deep devotion they represent. When Venus finds itself making a square aspect with Saturn, the natives open the door to a karmic encounter. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! There is an ease about their connection that they dont have to work hard for. Saturn can provide planning and continuity to what Mars person wants to achieve. The biggest issue in the Venus square Saturn synastry relationship is that both Saturn and Venus tend to judge without trying to understand. These qualities you have in your relationship are what make it suitable for marriage. ^Interpretation from the Psyche & Eros Relationship report. Another excellent aspect for long term relationships is Saturn trine/sextile Sun. Trine happens when the planets are 120 degrees apart. * Interpretations from Compatibility & Conflict report. The other is with my TF. The Venus person could begin to view the Saturn person as unsympathetic, and the Saturn person could come to view the Venus person as childish and undisciplined. Saturn may feel that the Venus person is already growing apart from him/her. Due to patient care and strong love, this aspect can cause a kind of marriage where each partner outgrows thieir childhood patterns to understand the realization and personal development. Jealousy and manipulation are also present in the relationship between Venus and Saturn in the hard aspect. Saturn, on the other hand, can make Venus take life seriously. You will never find it hard to love Venus. The Venus trine Saturn synastry aspect definitely creates an opposites attract sort of relationship, but it usually works. Saturn is the Roman God of agriculture. shipping calculated at checkout to other worldwide locations. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Like the ruler of agriculture, Saturn also rules over stewardship. One anothers devotion to the relationship is generally respected. Slow but sure growth occurs as genuine concern becomes the dominant note in this relationship. Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In fact, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry aspect indicates that even the honeymoon phase might feel sort of lackluster. We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. As a result, both partners experience difficult karmic lessons. Saturn will teach Venus how to become more grounded while Venus will teach Saturn to loosen up and speak what's on their mind, to express their emotions. Like Venus, Saturn also appears in our night sky, albeit not as bright as Venus. This feeling is also one of the reasons why this relationship will be tough to leave. If the Saturn person feels that their partner is in it for the long term, they will be deeply satisfied. The Saturnian can become cold, insensitive, stingy, and mercantile while the Venusian views the Saturnian from a mercantile point of view. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. They can make their pleasure-loving Venus grounded. Because of this, the relationship can go on for years. However, the sociable and easygoing nature of the Venus person will be constrained by the relationship. Commitment, mutual respect, and intimacy are the vital energies that strengthen your relationship. Progressed Venus or Mars is semi-sextiling another planet. Under Saturns constant criticism Sun person feels restricted. What is needed most for us to be responsible? There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. The Saturn person inspires in the Venus person the kind of love and respect which makes you want to live up to the standards you both share. Resolve any jealousy or possessiveness issues. It helps to stabilize emotions and neutralize negative aspects. It is critical to find a healthy balance where both parties feel appreciated and supported. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. The Saturn person secretly longs for the Venus persons approval. It is quite natural for you to commit to one another. Saturn opposition and square Mars are hard aspects that can go from exciting to annoying really fast. Meanwhile, the Venus person needs to understand the limits of Saturn. Despite the opposite traits of the planets, the trine will find ways for these planets to work in harmony. If this criticism is constant, it will hurt and annoy Venus, but Saturn will suffer on the inside if it refrains from criticism fully. Make sure you don't ignore the more unpleasant aspects of your relationship, but rather actively try to understand each other. Since this aspect creates a deep level of understanding, it can also lead to complacency in the relationship. With the Venus opposition Saturn synastry aspect, the couple feels as though they know each other immediately. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. Understand that the Saturn person may need more time than usual to open up emotionally. Its essential that they learn how to open up and truly show love and affection for each other so that they can feel accepted in this Venus conjunct Saturn synastry relationship. If these issues are present, then the Venus person will also have work to do and must learn how to be emotionally honest without going from 0 to 100. Both planets depend on each other; that is why this relationship between Venus and Saturn in this aspect is highly significant. The karmic connection between Venus and Saturn is one that is based on understanding and compromise. Although a light karmic connection is possible, these aspects are good for long lasting love and friendships. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Saturn, at their best, can be a steadying influence towards Venus that really helps Venus to evolve and mature. The Venus person will feel as though they lose a bit of personal freedom while the the Saturn person may feel like their world is out of whack due to the Venus persons changeability. The necessary discipline and moral stability of the partners is skillfully combined with their mutual love and respect. However, the Saturn person may think that he/she is only doing this to protect the Venus person, but the truth is that deeper issues are the reason for its strictness. Venus represents our approach to love and relationships, while Saturn is the planet of stability, commitment, and ambition. Synastry:Mercury-UranusAspects If they instead ask each other questions from a place of wanting to learn rather than judge, then they will come to embrace the differences between them. The aspect is more promising in business and professional relationships if the partners are mature, honest, and responsible. And, although this combination does not in itself form a strong physical attraction, it ensures stability and strength if romance forms under the influence of other synastric factors. Regardless of past lives, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry couple has a chance to learn that they are worthy of love and that they can accept someone who is different from them once they feel accepted in return. If Venus sits in a flighty or independent sign (like Sagittarius or Leo), then Venus will struggle against these restrictions. However, the Saturn person may think that he/she is only doing this to protect the Venus person, but the truth is that, Learn more about the Venus square aspect with Saturn in, Mars-Neptune Aspects in Synastry Chart: Do your, Moon-Saturn Aspects in Synastry Chart: The committed, Sun-Saturn Aspects in Synastry Chart: Commitment and, Jupiter-Saturn Aspects in Synastry Chart: Does the, Venus-Venus Aspects in Synastry Chart: The loving, Venus-Pluto Aspects in Synastry Chart: The intense. This is an interesting relationship because theyre usually attracted to these opposite qualities in each other, yet they also feel unhinged when the other person acts so differently from them. Both planets are committed to making their relationship lasts. However, for the Venus person, it would feel like he/she is trapped and can be resentful towards the Venus person. The key karmic lesson for both is to work towards consistent and mutual understanding. Because of this relationship dynamic, both people will feel safe in each other's arms. Saturn opposite Venus synastry relationships are characterized by a cold emotional inconsistency of the partners. Often, the Saturn person is the driver of routine and predictability. Venus Conjunct Saturn Synastry Aspect When a man or woman has a Venus conjunct Saturn aspect with another person, it will likely indicate that one person is attracted to the other's professional drive, status or resources and the other person is drawn to the beauty and sanguine charm of the other.